i want to select to display all data in one column.
how to do that?
all below under status column.
select 'Redeemed', 'Expired', 'Unredeemed'`
i want to select to display all data in one column.
how to do that?
all below under status column.
select 'Redeemed', 'Expired', 'Unredeemed'`
select column from yourtable
Please post create table script and inserts with sample data, what queries you've tried and desired output for inserted sample data.
is ok, i get it done by myself. thanks.
select 'Redeemed' as status union select 'Expired'as status union select 'Unredeemed' as status
I don't suppose it matter for a small data set like that, but UNION ALL
would be better if you KNOW that there are no duplicates (UNION
will remove any duplicates, and that takes a some processing power to do, of course)