Select all rows where table1.column1 = table2.column1 where at least one value table2.column2 = 1

I have two tables in a MySQL database

column1 column2

column1 column2

I want to select all rows where table1.column1 = table2.column1 if at least one row table2.column2 = 1

12   test1
13   test3

12   1
12   0
12   0
12   0
12   0
13   0
13   0
13   0
13   0

Result should be
12   1  test1
12   0  test1
12   0  test1
12   0  test1
12   0  test1
create data script

create table #table1
column1 int ,
column2 varchar(100)

create table #table2
column1 int ,
column2 int

insert into #table1 select 12 ,'test1'
insert into #table1 select 13 ,'test3'

insert into #table2 select 12 , 1
insert into #table2 select 12 , 0
insert into #table2 select 12 , 0
insert into #table2 select 12 , 0
insert into #table2 select 12 , 0
insert into #table2 select 13 , 0
insert into #table2 select 13 , 0
insert into #table2 select 13 , 0
insert into #table2 select 13 , 0

select * from #table2 
  column1 in 
     (select column1 from #table2 where column2 = 1)


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Thank you harishgg1!
I've been struggling with this. I added an INNER JOIN to get table1.column2

SELECT * FROM table2
ON table1.column1 = table2.column2
table2.column1 IN
(SELECT table2.column1 FROM table2 WHERE table2.column2 = 1)