Search Page as not expected

Basically when i query select * from [dbo].[vw_OrganisationSearch] where org = 'FIFA'

Id Org OrgSport OrgType OrgSector OrgCategory OrgTypeId OrgSportId OrgSectorId OrgCategoryId OrgLocationId OrgLocation OrgTypePrime OrgSectorPrime OrgCatPrime OrgSportPrime OrgAddressPrime
35 FIFA Tennis Federation International Grand Slam 1 1 3 6 1194 Zürich NULL 0 NULL 0 1
35 FIFA Tennis Federation Media Grand Slam 1 1 4 6 1194 Zürich NULL 1 NULL 0 1
35 FIFA Tennis Federation International Grand Slam 1 1 3 6 119 India NULL 0 NULL 0 0
35 FIFA Tennis Federation Media Grand Slam 1 1 4 6 119 India NULL 1 NULL 0 0
35 FIFA Wrestling Federation International Grand Slam 1 2 3 6 1194 Zürich NULL 0 NULL 1 1
35 FIFA Wrestling Federation Media Grand Slam 1 2 4 6 1194 Zürich NULL 1 NULL 1 1
35 FIFA Wrestling Federation International Grand Slam 1 2 3 6 119 India NULL 0 NULL 1 0
35 FIFA Wrestling Federation Media Grand Slam 1 2 4 6 119 India NULL 1 NULL 1 0

Expected result when search Location = India

Id Org OrgSport OrgType OrgSector OrgCategory OrgTypeId OrgSportId OrgSectorId OrgCategoryId OrgLocationId OrgLocation OrgTypePrime OrgSectorPrime OrgCatPrime OrgSportPrime OrgAddressPrime RowNum
35 FIFA Wrestling Federation Media Grand Slam 1 2 4 6 1194 Zürich NULL 1 NULL 1 1 1

Even if search is India the result should display with Prime Location which is zurich

Thanks for the help


hope this helps

all the details of your situation is not clear

the idea is to understand what your requirement is clearly

create sample data script

declare @vw_OrganisationSearch table ( ID int , Org varchar(10) , OrgLocation varchar(10))
insert into @vw_OrganisationSearch Values ( 35 , 'FIFA','Zurich')
insert into @vw_OrganisationSearch Values ( 35 , 'FIFA','India')

  , Org
  , case when OrgLocation = 'India' then 'Zurich' end 
   OrgLocation = 'India'
