I have the following query
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT PracID, CAST(PatID AS Varchar(10)) + CAST(PracID AS varchar(10)) AS PatientID
FROM (SELECT PracID, row_number() OVER (partition BY pracid
ORDER BY pracid) AS PatID
FROM dbo.QryPatID_Rtn WITH (tablock)) t
The above query works fine if you what PatID to start from 1, 2, 3 .... so on
(SELECT PracID, row_number() OVER (partition BY pracid
ORDER BY pracid) AS PatID
so a typical result will be like;
PatientID PracID
120001 20001
220001 20001
120002 20002
220002 20002
320002 20002
120006 20006
Now, instead of PatID to start from 1, 2, 3 for each PracID... I have a query that have a starting point for each PracID.
the query is called - QryMaxPracID and has the following
PatID PracID
22376 20001
654 20002
10008 20006
Now I want to update the above query (1) so that it starts the row number from reading the value from the QryMaxPracID...
So that the query will have a result;
PatientID PracID
2237620001 20001
2237720001 20001
65420002 20002
65520002 20002
65620002 20002
1000820006 20006
any help please - thank you