Retrive data from multiple colum

can you let me know how to pull the column emp_loc, dep_id, master_id, country_id from below tables using single query.

employee table
emp_id emp_name emp_age emp_loc

department table
emp_id  emp_name emp_age dep_id

master table
emp_id  emp_name emp_age master_id

country table
emp_id  emp_name emp_age country_id
Output :

emp_loc  dep_id master_id country_id


hope this helps

  	 , dep_id 
	 , master_id 
	 , country_id
   employee a JOIN department b ON a.emp_id = b.emp_id
              JOIN master     c ON a.emp_id = c.emp_id
			  JOIN country    d ON a.emp_id = d.emp_id