It's easier if you have sample data, but try this:
create table #c (EnteredDate datetime, analysis varchar(20), Result numeric(5,2))
insert into #c values
('1/2/2022 08:00', 'pH', 5.54),
('1/2/2022 08:00', 'Conductivity', 452.00),
('1/2/2022 08:00', 'Chloride', 2.22),
('2/8/2022 09:00', 'pH', 8.12),
('2/8/2022 09:00', 'Sodium', 6.64),
('5/18/2022 07:30', 'pH', 3.14),
('8/15/2022 12:13', 'pH', 6.77),
('8/15/2022 12:13', 'Phosphate', 3.50),
('8/15/2022 12:13', 'Conductivity', 125.00),
('10/4/2022 12:13', 'pH', 8.11),
('10/15/2022 12:13', 'pH', 6.01),
('11/1/2022 12:13', 'pH', 18.30)
declare @StartDate SmallDateTime = '5/1/2022',
@Enddate SmallDateTime = '10/1/2022'
;with cte as (
Select EnteredDate, Analysis, Result
from #c
where EnteredDate between @StartDate and @EndDate),
cteRowNum as
(Select EnteredDate, Analysis, Result
from #c)
select EnteredDate, Analysis, Result, Previous, PriorPrevious
from (
select r.EnteredDate, r.Analysis, r.Result , c.Result as DateResults,
LAG(r.Result) OVER (ORDER BY r.EnteredDate) as Previous,
LAG(r.Result,2) OVER (ORDER BY r.EnteredDate) as PriorPrevious
from cteRowNum r
left join cte c
on r.analysis = c.analysis
and r.enteredDate = c.enteredDate
where r.Analysis = 'pH'
) c
where c.DateResults is not null