Report employee compliancy for qualifications needed for job role

Table 1 (Qualifications_Acquired)
ID employeeID qualID jobID Expire
1 203 1 1 11/11/2019
2 204 1 2 11/12/2019
3 205 1 1 11/11/2019
4 205 2 1 11/11/2019

Table 2 (Qualifications)
qualID Qual_Title
1 First Aid
2 Company Induction
3 Working at heights
4 Face Fit
5 Confined Spaces

Table 3 (Jobroles)
jobID Job_Name
1 Manager
2 Supervisor

Table 4 (Compliance)
ID jobID qualID
1 1 1
2 1 2
3 1 3
4 2 3
5 2 4
6 2 5

I need a query that shows me if an employee has all the qualifications (and not expired) needed for his job title from the Compliance Table.

For instance:
Job_Name employeeID qualID Compliant
Manager 203 1 True
Manager 203 2 False
Manager 203 3 False
Manager 205 1 True
Manager 205 2 True
Manager 205 3 False
Supervisor 204 3 False
Supervisor 204 4 False
Supervisor 204 5 False

I've been working on this for days trying different ways but just get tangled up and nowhere. Can someone help me please?

All the format has been lost so I'll try again in a table later.

Since your date started with today 1/11/2019, I used ExpireDate < today instead of <=

Drop table If Exists #Qualifications
Drop table If Exists #QualificationsAcquired
Drop table If Exists #JobRoles
Drop table If Exists #Compliance

Create table #QualificationsAcquired
(ID int,
 employeeID	int ,
 qualID	int,
 jobID	int,
 ExpireDate date)
insert into #QualificationsAcquired values
( 1,203,1,1,'11/11/2019')

Create table #Qualifications
(qualID	 int,
 Qual_Title varchar(30))

 insert into #Qualifications values
( 1,'First Aid')
,(2,'Company Induction')
,(3,'Working at heights')
,(4,'Face Fit')
,(5,'Confined Spaces')

Create table #JobRoles
(jobID	int,
 Job_Name varchar(20))

 insert into #JobRoles values

Create Table #Compliance
(ID int,
jobID int,
qualID int)

insert into #Compliance values

;with cte as (
select j.JobID, J.Job_Name, q.QualID, q.Qual_Title, EmployeeID
  from #Compliance c
	join #Qualifications q
		on c.QualID = q.QualID
    join #JobRoles j
		on c.JobID = j.JobID
	join (select distinct EmployeeID, JobID from #QualificationsAcquired) e
		on c.JobID = e.JobID

select c.Job_Name, c.EmployeeID, c.QualID,  
	    case when qa.EmployeeID is null then 'False' else 'True' end as Compliant
  from Cte c
	left join #QualificationsAcquired qa
		on c.EmployeeID = qa.EmployeeID
		and c.QualID = qa.QualID
		and c.JobID = qa.JobID
		and qa.ExpireDate > cast(GetDate() as date)
order by c.JobID, c.EmployeeID, c.QualID
SELECT QA_emps.employeeID, C.qualID, 
    CASE WHEN oa1.ExpireDate IS NULL THEN 'False' ELSE 'True' END AS Compliant
    SELECT DISTINCT employeeID, jobID
    FROM #QualificationsAcquired
) AS QA_emps
INNER JOIN #Compliance C ON C.jobID = QA_emps.jobID
    SELECT TOP (1) *
    FROM #QualificationsAcquired QA
    WHERE QA.employeeID = QA_emps.employeeID AND QA.qualID = C.qualID
    ORDER BY QA.ExpireDate DESC /*in case they qualified more than once, get the max expiredate*/
) AS oa1
ORDER BY employeeID, qualID

Thanks Mike01 and ScottPletcher I''ll have a go on the db now with your answers.
I really appreciate your promp responses and I'll let you know how I get on.
