REPLACE statement issue

When I run the following SQL
UPDATE providers SET PracticeAddress2 = REPLACE(PracticeAddress2, 'Street', 'St')

None of the data has changed. My goal is to convert 3091 Main Street to 3091 Main St

Can anyone help me with this?

Is the colum PracticeAddress2 where the original data is located? Or is it another column?

This works for me


INSERT INTO @TableExample (Value) 
SELECT '123 Elm Street' UNION ALL
SELECT '456 Main Street' UNION ALL
SELECT '789 State Street';

  FROM @TableExample;

UPDATE @TableExample
  SET Value = REPLACE(Value, 'Street', 'St');

  FROM @TableExample;

Is the instance case sensitive? Because otherwise the statement looks fine, other than not including a WHERE condition for efficiency:

UPDATE providers
SET PracticeAddress2 = REPLACE(PracticeAddress2, 'Street', 'St')
WHERE PracticeAddress2 LIKE '%Street%'

I'm sorry, yes the column is named PracticeAddress2
No, it is not case sensitive.

Thank you!

No, it is not case sensitive.

Run these two statements and see if they return any rows at all.

SELECT * FROM providers 
WHERE PracticeAddress2 LIKE '%Street%'

SELECT * FROM providers 
WHERE PracticeAddress2 COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS LIKE '%Street%'

You also need to verify the database collation setting and the column collation setting. In SQL Server, you can set each column's case sensitivity separate from other columns.