I am querying across servers to pull data out of accounting system. this is a view that resides on my production server. it runs extremely slow. I did try to use subquery's but when running they both run about the same time and both execution plans show 'remote query' as 100% dedication of the time. I talked to the accounting DBA's about indexes, etc. on the accounting software but got no where. can anyone just look at this and see something that is horribly wrong and another way to approach this? I appreciate any help. here is the View script:
[Customer No_], sum(Amount)TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow,
0 as CurrentBalance, 0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], dtl.[Entry No_], hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_],0 AS TotalARBalance, ROUND(AVG(DaysToPay),0) AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow,
0 as CurrentBalance, 0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
[Customer No_],[Posting Date], [Document No_], [Closed at Date],[Open],
WHEN year([Posting Date]) = year(getdate()) AND [Closed At Date]>[Posting Date]
THEN CONVERT(FLOAT,(datediff(dd, [Posting Date], [Closed at Date])))
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry]
WHERE [Document Type]=2 AND [Open]=0 AND year([Posting Date]) = year(getdate())
) as x
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_],0 AS TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, ROUND(AVG(DaysToPayLastYr),0) DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow,
0 as CurrentBalance, 0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
[Customer No_],[Posting Date], [Document No_], [Closed at Date],[Open],
WHEN year([Posting Date]) = year(dateadd(year,-1,getdate())) AND [Closed At Date]>[Posting Date]
THEN CONVERT(FLOAT,(datediff(dd, [Posting Date], [Closed at Date])))
ELSE 0 END AS DaysToPayLastYr
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry]
WHERE [Document Type]=2 AND [Open]=0 AND year([Posting Date]) = year(dateadd(year,-1,getdate()))
) as x
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_],0 AS TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr,
CASE WHEN (ROUND(AVG(DaysToPay),0)-30) >=0 THEN (ROUND(AVG(DaysToPay),0)-30) ELSE 0 END AS DaysSlow,
0 as CurrentBalance, 0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
[Customer No_],[Posting Date], [Document No_], [Closed at Date],[Open],
CASE WHEN [Closed At Date]>[Posting Date] AND [Posting Date]>=DATEADD(YEAR,-1,GETDATE())
THEN CONVERT(FLOAT,(datediff(dd, [Posting Date], [Closed at Date])))
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry]
WHERE [Document Type]=2 AND [Open]=0
) as x
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, sum(CurrentBalance)CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_], dtl.[Transaction No_],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, hdr.[Posting Date], GETDATE()) BETWEEN 0 AND 30 THEN CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1)
ELSE 0 END AS CurrentBalance, hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
sum(PastDue1To30)PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_], dtl.[Transaction No_],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, hdr.[Posting Date], GETDATE()) BETWEEN 31 AND 60 THEN CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1)
ELSE 0 END AS PastDue1To30, hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, sum(PastDue31To60)PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_], dtl.[Transaction No_],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, hdr.[Posting Date], GETDATE()) BETWEEN 61 AND 90 THEN CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1)
ELSE 0 END AS PastDue31To60, hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, sum(PastDue61To90)PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_], dtl.[Transaction No_],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, hdr.[Posting Date], GETDATE()) BETWEEN 91 AND 120 THEN CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1)
ELSE 0 END AS PastDue61To90, hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, sum(PastDueOver90)PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], hdr.[Closed at Date], hdr.[Closed by Entry No_],
CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1) AS Amount, hdr.[Document No_], dtl.[Transaction No_],
CASE WHEN datediff(dd, hdr.[Posting Date], GETDATE()) > 121 THEN CONVERT(MONEY, dtl.Amount,1)
ELSE 0 END AS PastDueOver90, hdr.[Open]
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
[Posting Date] AS FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type],
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[posting date]) AS FirstPaymentNum
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE SUBSTRING(hdr.[Document No_], 1, 1) NOT IN ('P', 'F') AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[Initial Document Type])=1
) AS X
WHERE FirstPaymentNum=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL AS FirstPaymentDate, amount AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], dtl.amount,
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[posting date]) AS FirstPaymentNum
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE SUBSTRING(hdr.[Document No_], 1, 1) NOT IN ('P', 'F') AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[Initial Document Type])=1
) AS X
WHERE FirstPaymentNum=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
[Posting Date] AS LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
SELECT hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type],
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[posting date] DESC) AS LastPaymentNum
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE SUBSTRING(hdr.[Document No_], 1, 1) NOT IN ('P', 'F') AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[Initial Document Type])=1
) AS X
WHERE LastPaymentNum=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, amount AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
SELECT hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], dtl.amount,
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[posting date] DESC) AS LastPaymentNum
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE SUBSTRING(hdr.[Document No_], 1, 1) NOT IN ('P', 'F') AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[Initial Document Type])=1
) AS X
WHERE LastPaymentNum=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
[Document Date] as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], hdr.[Document Date],
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[Document Date] ) AS FirstInvoiceDate
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[document type])=2
) AS X
WHERE FirstInvoiceDate=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, amount as FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], dtl.amount, hdr.[document date],
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[Document Date] ) AS FirstInvoiceDate
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[document type])=2
) AS X
WHERE FirstInvoiceDate=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
[Document Date] AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], hdr.[Document Date],
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[Document Date] DESC) AS FirstInvoiceDate
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[document type])=2
) AS X
WHERE FirstInvoiceDate=1
[Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 AS FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, amount AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
hdr.[Customer No_], hdr.[Posting Date], dtl.[Document Type], dtl.[Entry Type], dtl.[Journal Batch Name], dtl.[Reason Code], hdr.[Document No_],
dtl.[Transaction No_], hdr.[Reason Code] AS Expr1, dtl.[Initial Document Type], hdr.[Document Date], dtl.amount,
ROW_NUMBER()OVER(PARTITION BY hdr.[customer no_] ORDER BY hdr.[Document No_] DESC) AS FirstInvoiceDate
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Cust_ Ledger Entry] AS hdr INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS dtl ON hdr.[Entry No_] = dtl.[Cust_ Ledger Entry No_]
WHERE CONVERT(NUMERIC,dtl.[document type])=2 AND dtl.[Initial Document Type]='2'
) AS X
WHERE FirstInvoiceDate=1
SELECT [Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
MAX(RunningTotal)HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
SELECT DISTINCT a.[customer no_], a.[Posting Date], a.[Entry No_], a.Amount, SUM(b.Amount) AS RunningTotal
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS a INNER JOIN
[remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS b ON a.[Entry No_] >= b.[Entry No_]
and a.[customer no_]=b.[customer no_]
WHERE YEAR(a.[posting date])=YEAR(GETDATE())
GROUP BY a.[customer no_], a.[Posting Date], a.[Entry No_], a.Amount
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
SELECT [Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, SUM(Amount)SalesYTD, 0 AS LastYearSales
SELECT DISTINCT a.[customer no_], a.[Posting Date], a.[Entry No_], a.Amount
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS a
WHERE YEAR(a.[posting date])=YEAR(GETDATE()) AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,a.[document type])=2
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
SELECT [Customer No_], 0 as TotalARBalance, 0 AS DaysToPay, 0 AS DaysToPayLastYr, 0 as DaysSlow, 0 as CurrentBalance,
0 as PastDue1To30, 0 as PastDue31To60, 0 as PastDue61To90, 0 as PastDueOver90,
NULL as FirstPaymentDate, 0 as FirstPaymentAmount,
NULL as LastPaymentDate, 0 AS LastPaymentAmount,
NULL as FirstInvoiceDate, 0 AS FirstInvoiceAmount,
NULL AS LastInvoiceDate, 0 AS LastInvoiceAmount,
0 AS HighCredit, 0 AS SalesYTD, SUM(Amount)LastYearSales
SELECT DISTINCT a.[customer no_], a.[Posting Date], a.[Entry No_], a.Amount
FROM [remoteserver].[Navision_Prod].dbo.[MyCompany Ops$Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry] AS a
WHERE YEAR(a.[posting date])=YEAR(DATEADD(YEAR,-1,GETDATE())) AND CONVERT(NUMERIC,a.[document type])=2
) AS X
GROUP BY [Customer No_]
[Customer No_],SUM(TotalARBalance)TotalARBalance,SUM(DaysToPay)DaysToPay,SUM(DaysToPayLastYr)DaysToPayLastYr,
SUM(PastDue1To30)PastDue1To30, SUM(PastDue31To60)PastDue31To60, SUM(PastDue61To90)PastDue61To90, SUM(PastDueOver90)PastDueOver90,
GROUP BY [Customer No_]