Read Unicode XML into nvarchar

I have XML in other languages that I am passing down from C# to be stored in the SQL Server 2008 DB.

The XML is correctly identified as such and passed into the proc as a XML variable

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

My column is declared as a nvarchar but when I use this SQL to get the values the characters for title / AgencyName are replaced with '?'

Here is my SQL

CREATE procedure [dbo].[updTransitAgencies]
@ProviderID int,
@DefaultInstance varchar(25),
@AgencyXML xml

-- Grab the data from the XML list
select @ProviderID as ProviderID,
	   a.t.value('@tag', 'nvarchar(100)') as AgencyID,
	   a.t.value('@title', 'nvarchar(500)') as AgencyName, 
	   a.t.value('@regionTitle', 'nvarchar(500)') as AgencyRegionTitle,		   
	   a.t.value('@shortTitle', 'nvarchar(100)') as AgencyShortTitle,
	   a.t.value('@timeZone', 'varchar(100)') as AgencyTimeZone,
	   a.t.value('@url', 'varchar(200)') as AgencyURL,
	   a.t.value('@lang', 'varchar(10)') as AgencyLang,
	   a.t.value('@phone', 'varchar(15)') as AgencyPhone,
	   a.t.value('@fareURL', 'varchar(200)') as AgencyFareURL,
	   a.t.value('@email', 'varchar(200)') as AgencyEmail,
       @DefaultInstance as DefaultInstance
into #TempTable
from @AgencyXML.nodes('/body/agency') a(t)

I have seen plenty of sample where the XML in set in the SQL but here I am passing it in through a proc variable from C#...

what is your server, database and table collation set to? collation exists on

server --> database --> table


Please re-read post. Info is listed already

ok re-read your post, still same question

what is your server, database and table collation set to? nvarchar is not collation

Solved. The script to update the columns from varchar to nvarchar for the following fields failed because one of the columns was a primary key value.

a.t.value('@tag', 'nvarchar(100)') as AgencyID,
a.t.value('@title', 'nvarchar(500)') as AgencyName,
a.t.value('@regionTitle', 'nvarchar(500)') as AgencyRegionTitle,
a.t.value('@shortTitle', 'nvarchar(100)') as AgencyShortTitle,
