I have tried the below query and it is consuming more time and Out of memory issues.
Out of memory!
can you please let me know to avoid the out of memory issues.
This is returning all records from the us_item_tbl table. We don't know how big this is or what it even looks like. If this is a large table, I can see how it would eat up memory coming back. Is there some filter criteria that is missing? Also, this is a SQL Server forum not Oracle
I have tried to use fetchall_arrayref function and currently getting out of memory issue. any idea how to clear the cache to get rid of the out of the memory issue.
sub sane {
my $self = shift;
my %lookup;
my $dbh = DBI->connect ('dbi:Oracle:usbmfs', 'US', 'states', {AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 1});
my $sth = $dbh->prepare (qq{ select cpu_id, system, gen, vendor, item,
week_first_moved, week_last_moved
from us_item_tbl });
$sth->execute ();
$sth->bind_columns (\(my( $cpu, $sys, $gen, $vend, $item, $wad, $wlm)));
my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});;
for my $row (@$rows) {
my $nae = sprintf "%02s%05s%05s", $sys, $vend, $item;
print "$nae\n";
$upc = sprintf "%014s", $cpu;
$lookup{$ean}{$cpu} = [$wad, $wlm];
# }
$$self{'SANE'} = \%lookup;