Query to get the previous row from the row selected

I have payroll detail table in which I have payroll details id and an employee id (foreign key from employee table).
My requirement is, when a row is selected for a particular employee, I want to get the value from a the previous row.
For example if I have 3 employees and each have a 3 payrolls with payrolldetail id's and If i choose the payroll details id for employee 2, it should display the details of payroll detail id of employee 2.

Can some one please let me know how to write a query or solve this within a stored procedure
It is kind of urgent requirement, greatly appreciate your help.

What your asking is a bit confused and unclear.

Are you asking "I want to return all of the PayrollDetail records for any specified EmployeeID"?

Not All the payrolldetail records but the previous payroll record for a specific employee id, if I am on a 3rd payroll, and hit the payroll record, the beginning vacation balance should get from my previous record to show how many vacation leaves I still have or accrued

Now I am using the following query but it is returning the same results for all the employees

select D.ESST_Total_Worked_Hours
from tblPayroll_Detail D
where D.Payroll_Detail_ID =(
select top 1 MIN(Payroll_Detail_ID)
FROM tblPayroll_Detail where Employee_ID = 1)

This might work, but it would be better if the parts involving Payroll_Detail_ID were actually based on a DATE rather than an ID. If you have a column like Payroll_Date you should use that instead.

 SELECT payr.Employee_ID
    ,   prev.ESST_Total_Worked_Hours
    ,   prev.Accrue_Sick_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_Vacation_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_Comp_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_ESST_Balance
FROM    tblPayroll_Detail payr
        (   SELECT TOP (1)
               ,   pd.Accrue_Sick_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_Vacation_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_Comp_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_ESST_Balance
           WHERE   pd.Employee_ID = payr.Employee_ID
               AND pd.Payroll_Detail_ID < payr.Payroll_Detail_ID
           ORDER BY pd.Payroll_Detail_ID DESC
        ) AS prev
WHERE   payr.Employee_ID = 1

What is this pd, I understood prev and payr.

Apologies, I somehow deleted a line...

 SELECT payr.Employee_ID
    ,   prev.ESST_Total_Worked_Hours
    ,   prev.Accrue_Sick_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_Vacation_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_Comp_Balance
    ,   prev.Accrue_ESST_Balance
FROM    tblPayroll_Detail payr
        (   SELECT TOP (1)
               ,   pd.Accrue_Sick_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_Vacation_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_Comp_Balance
               ,   pd.Accrue_ESST_Balance
           FROM    tblPayroll_Detail pd  -- this line
           WHERE   pd.Employee_ID = payr.Employee_ID
               AND pd.Payroll_Detail_ID < payr.Payroll_Detail_ID
           ORDER BY pd.Payroll_Detail_ID DESC
        ) AS prev
WHERE   payr.Employee_ID = 1

No, it is not working as expected, but I figured out on my own and here is the code, this will help others who has similar problem

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#temptbl', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #temptbl
CREATE TABLE #temptbl (tmppayrollID int)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmptblPrevpayrollDtid', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmptblPrevpayrollDtid
Payroll_Detail_ID as value_prev
into #tmptblPrevpayrollDtid FROM tblPayroll_Detail where Payroll_Detail_ID < @PayrollDetail_ID and Employee_ID = Employee_ID

;with cte (payrolldetail_id) as (
select max(value_prev) as payrolldet from #tmptblPrevpayrollDtid
insert into #temptbl
select payrolldetail_id
from cte
select Payroll_Detail_ID,Employee_ID, Accrue_Sick_Balance,Accrue_Vacation_Balance,
from tblPayroll_Detail where Payroll_Detail_ID =(select tmppayrollID from #temptbl)

Thank you so much for jumping in