I think a badge should be created for "SPAM Terminator". I know I'll covet that badge.
For everyone flagging the spam: THANK YOU!
For everyone: keep flagging spam as it comes up. We will deal with it as soon as possible. I share your frustration, best suggestion is to keep at it.
For everyone suggesting automoderation/spam deterrence: I'll leave that up to @graz , I don't think it's built-in to Discourse, there are bots you can add but we would need to be careful, as someone already mentioned.
Rob is at PASS this week so I'm trying to keep a closer eye. As Rob says, flagging spam takes multiple people, unless you have achieved some level -- but I don't know what that level is
I will look at a few ways to block things and will likely end up requiring new users to be approved.
There are some additional filters in place after the new messages of the last few days. Rob mentioned it earlier, but it takes a couple of people to flag a message as spam before it gets hidden. So please keep flagging.
Just FYI for everyone,
We are getting swarmed today (Dec. 17, 2024). I am not able to keep up.
I'm doing the best I can, but will be out of pocket at work for the rest of day.
KEEP FLAGGING THEM. Multiple people flagging helps hide them.
I apologize and appreciate everyone's effort. I've alerted Bill, will get back as soon as I can.
I think some kind of verification/approval of new users will be required, lest the site become unusable. I wish it were otherwise.
There is a bulk option I see but not sure if everyone does. I've also limited new user posting ability for a bit.
I lied. Bulk insert doesn't work for spam. Ugh.