Pivot results

i would like to pivot the following resuts in my table . employee

Is the top row the "from" and the bottom row the "to" or vice versa?

Please post data in usable form, i.e., CREATE TABLE and INSERT, not just a picture, which we can't use to test any code we write for you.

a simple select statement

select name1,name2,name3 ,phone1, phone2 ,phone3 ,email1, email2, email3
from employee

Again, no data, no way to test, but this should at least be very close:

select name AS Managers, phone, email
from dbo.employee
cross apply ( values(name1,phone1,email1),(name2,phone2,email2),(name3,phone3,email3) ) 
    as data(name, phone, email)

you need to provide data as follows

if exists(select 1 from sys.tables where name = 'Dstyles')
		drop table Dstyles

create table dbo.Dstyles
name varchar(50),
phone varchar (50),
email varchar (50),)

insert dbo.Dstyles values ('john doe','407-512-1425', 'jdoews@Dstyles.com')
insert dbo.Dstyles values ('joe smith doe','407-512-1426', 'jsmith@Dstyles.com')
insert dbo.Dstyles values ('ken white','407-512-1475', 'kwhite@Dstyles.com')

I've reworked the data yosiasz provided. I don't normally do this because I simply don't have time to do so. We're already volunteering our own time to write poster's queries, I simply don't have time to prep test data for everyone as well.

create table dbo.employee
name1 varchar(80),
name2 varchar(80),
name3 varchar(80),
phone1 varchar(30),
phone2 varchar(30),
phone3 varchar(30),
email1 varchar(80),
email2 varchar(80),
email3 varchar(80)

insert dbo.employee ( name1, phone1, email1, name2, phone2, email2, name3, phone3, email3 )  values 
    ('john doe','407-512-1425', 'jdoews@Dstyles.com',
     'joe smith doe','407-512-1426', 'jsmith@Dstyles.com',
     'ken white','407-512-1475', 'kwhite@Dstyles.com')

select name AS Managers, phone, email
from dbo.employee
cross apply ( values(name1,phone1,email1),(name2,phone2,email2),(name3,phone3,email3) ) 
    as data(name, phone, email)
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thx i reworked the above and got what i needed