The query below works well for giving me distinct user counts for 2018, 2019, and 2020. But what I need is distinct user counts annually rolling forward month by month. So each column would be like this...
Jan 1 2018 - Jan 1 2019
Feb 1 2018 - Feb 1 2019
Mar 1 2018 - Mar 1 2019
etc. etc.
Because these are DISTINCT users completions at the annual level, I can't simply output at the monthly level and sum.
select companyname,
select count(distinct( as uniqueusercompletions, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, DateCompleted), 0) as datecompleted, clients.Name [companyname]
from courseenrollments
inner join users on CourseEnrollments.UserId =
inner join clients on = users.clientid
where status = 3 and datecompleted > getdate()-1000 and DateCompleted < getdate()-2 and portalstatus = 0 and PortalType = 0 and clients.isdeleted = 0 and courseenrollments.IsHistoricalImported = 0
group by clients.Name, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, DateCompleted), 0)
) AS SourceTable
(sum(uniqueusercompletions) FOR datecompleted IN (
)) as PivotTable
What tells you that a user is new for a month? The status? Remember, we know NOTHING about your data, so what may be "obvious" to you is not to us.
Also, please provide table names/aliases on ALL columns in the query, i.e., fill in the ?s below.
count(distinct( as uniqueusercompletions,
DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, ?.DateCompleted), 0) as datecompleted,
c.Name [companyname]
from courseenrollments ce
inner join users u on ce.UserId =
inner join clients c on = u.clientid
where ?.status = 3 and
?.datecompleted > getdate()-1000 and ?.DateCompleted < getdate()-2 and
?.portalstatus = 0 and ?.PortalType = 0 and
c.isdeleted = 0 and ce.IsHistoricalImported = 0
group by c.Name, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, ?.DateCompleted), 0)
Hi Scott.
I removed extraneous clauses that aren't relevant and filled in the remaining question marks. I need to know how many distinct users completed a course in each time frame. So for...
Feb 1 2018 - Feb 1 2019 <-- all of the users that have an entry in CourseEnrollments where CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted falls within that date range.
select companyname,
select count(distinct( as uniqueusercompletions, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted), 0) as datecompleted, clients.Name [companyname]
from courseenrollments
inner join users on CourseEnrollments.UserId =
inner join clients on = users.clientid
where CourseEnrollments.datecompleted > getdate()-1000 and CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted < getdate()-2
group by clients.Name, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted), 0)
) AS SourceTable
(sum(uniqueusercompletions) FOR datecompleted IN (
)) as PivotTable
It's possible to do it one query, but I'd break this into 2 stages to make it easier to insure performance on the rollup part of the query.
Maybe something like this?
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#ClientMonthUserCount') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #ClientMonthUserCount;
CREATE TABLE #ClientMonthUserCount (
ClientId int NOT NULL,
MonthCompleted date NOT NULL,
UserCount int NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ( ClientId, MonthCompleted )
INSERT INTO #ClientMonthUserCount ( ClientId, MonthCompleted, UserCount )
users.clientid AS ClientId,
DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted), 0) AS MonthCompleted,
from courseenrollments
inner join users on CourseEnrollments.UserId =
where CourseEnrollments.datecompleted > getdate()-1000 and CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted < getdate()-2
group by users.clientid, DATEADD(YEAR, DATEDIFF(YEAR, 0, CourseEnrollments.DateCompleted), 0)
MonthCompleted AS MonthStart,
UserCount + (
FROM #ClientMonthUserCount CM2
WHERE CM2.ClientId = CM1.ClientId AND
CM2.MonthCompleted BETWEEN DATEADD(MONTH, 1, CM1.MonthCompleted) AND DATEADD(MONTH, 11, MonthCompleted ) )
AS UserCount12MonthsForward
FROM #ClientMonthUserCount CM1
ORDER BY ClientId, MonthCompleted