Partitioned Median


I wonder if anyone can help I am trying to calculate a median which abides by the groupings in my view.

I like the following code but it just gives me the over all median in each row. I think i need to use OVER(PARTITION BY()) but i just can't make heads nor tails of it even after furious googling and reading renowned articles like this

YEAR(reportsubmitted) as "Year Submitted",
Month(reportsubmitted) as "Month Submitted", COUNT (DISTINCT(propertyid)) as "Number of Reports Submitted", SUM([report fee]) as "Total Report Fee",

(SELECT MAX([days From Audit to Submission])

FROM (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT ([days From Audit to Submission] )

FROM vwCMnAuditorsProcessLength WHERE ReportSubmitted > '2017-04-01' ORDER BY [days From Audit to Submission] ) AS x)

(SELECT MIN([days From Audit to Submission])

FROM (SELECT TOP 50 PERCENT [days From Audit to Submission]
FROM vwCMnAuditorsProcessLength WHERE ReportSubmitted > '2017-04-01' ORDER BY [Report Fee] DESC) AS y)
) / 2.0 as "Median Days"

FROM vwCMnAuditorsProcessLength
WHERE reportsubmitted >= '2017-04-01'

GROUP BY MONTH(reportsubmitted), YEAR(reportsubmitted)

I did try the below as something different but it seems to be discounting a lot of data


[MMYYYY ReportSubmitted],

[Total Report Fee],

[Number of Reports Submitted],

AVG([days from audit to submission]) as "Median days to Submission"


SELECT [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted], [report fee], propertyid,
CAST([days from audit to submission] as decimal(5,2)) [days from audit to submission],

Partition by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted]
Order by [days from audit to submission] ASC) AS "RowASC",

Partition by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted]
Order by [days from audit to submission] DESC) AS "RowDESC",

SUM([report fee]) OVER(Partition by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted] Order by [days from audit to submission]) AS "Total Report Fee",
COUNT(propertyid) OVER(Partition by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted] Order by [days from audit to submission]) AS "Number of Reports Submitted"

FROM vwCMnAuditorsProcessLength) x


Group by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted], [Total Report Fee], [Number of Reports Submitted]
Order by [MMYYYY ReportSubmitted]

If anyone has any ideas I would be really greatful

Have a look at this