Outer join to find if records exist

I have these two tables: Invoices and InvoiceLines, linked together by InvoiceId field.

Is there some Left Outer join just to check if there exist any InvoiceLines for the Invoices? (true or false);
something like If Exists(Select...)
For now I've tried (for a 2million record Invoice table and roughly 40million lines table):
1. Select i.InvoiceNumber,Case When l.InvoiceIs Is null Then 0 Else 1 End As HasLines From Invoices i Left Outer Join (Select InvoiceId From InvoiceLines Group By InvoiceId) l on i.InvoiceId=l.InvoiceId (the quickest 1'13")
2. Select i.InvoiceNumber,Case When l.InvoiceIs Is null Then 0 Else 1 End As HasLines From Invoices i Left Outer Join (Select Distinct InvoiceId From InvoiceLines) l on i.InvoiceId=l.InvoiceId (1'15")
3. Select i.InvoiceNumber,Case When l.InvoiceIs Is null Then 0 Else 1 End As HasLines From Invoices i Left Outer Join (Select InvoiceId From (Select InvoiceId,N=Row_Number() Over (Partition By InvoiceId Order By Id) FromInvoiceLines) l Where N=1) l on i.InvoiceId=l.InvoiceId (1:32")
4. Select i.InvoiceNumber,Case When l.InvoiceIs Is null Then 0 Else 1 End As HasLines From Invoices i Left Outer Join (Select InvoiceId From Invoice d Where Exists(Select InvoiceId From InvoiceLines dl Where dl.InvoiceId=d.InvoiceId)) l on i.InvoiceId=l.InvoiceId (1'20")

But I don't want to actually read something, just to 'touch' the table and see if at least one record exist.
Do you think there is another way?

Thank you, Daniel

When you write a stored procedure for example you see a lot of constuctions like this:

FROM InvoiceLines IL
ON I.InvoiceID=Il.InvoiceID
/* Delete invoiceLine */

You can also check if a cascade delete is a better approch.

SELECT  i.InvoiceNumber
    ,   ISNULL(l.HasLines, 0) AS HasLines
FROM    Invoices i
        SELECT  TOP (1) 
                1 AS HasLines
        FROM    InvoiceLines l
        WHERE   i.InvoiceId = l.InvoiceId
    ) l;

This query would benefit from an index on InvoiceLines (InvoiceId)

If there is an index on InvoiceId, then here's how this query will work:
For each row in Invoices, an index seek will occur to find the first matching row of InvoiceLines.

Without a supporting index, it will probably not perform any better than your other attempts.

SqlHippo: I've just tested the query and it's 30 to 40% faster than my best, Great!
I do have an index on InvoiceId

Thank you!

i had this problem often and the only solution that worked for me is to JOIN the second table with itself as follows:

A.InvoiceId ,
case when not exists (select InvoiceIs from InvoiceLines C where C.InvoiceId = B.InvoiceId) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as HasLines

FROM Invoices A LEFT JOIN InvoiceLines B

ON A.InvoiceId = B.InvoiceId ORDER BY A.InvoiceId

I hope it works for you too.