OPTIMISE SQL query part

Hello SQL team,

I am start using SQL queries for BI projects and I need to optimize the attached code....It tooks more that 30min to have the result and unfortunately I don't know yet the best practiques to optimize the query... Please if you are an SQL expert, let me know how to write it in a better manner. Thanks :slight_smile:

/*******UPDATE booked amount***********/
	update t
set booked_amount = isnull(s.booked_amount,0)
from #sales_accumulated_fact t

inner join

	select [TripId]												[trip_flwr_id]  
		, EditDate												[booked_date]
		, convert(decimal, NewValue)							[booked_amount]   
		from [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t]	amount_history_trancsactions
		where amount_history_trancsactions.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c' 
		and	amount_history_trancsactions.EditDate =
									select MAX(EditDate) 
									from [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] latest_date
									where latest_date.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c'
									and latest_date.TripId =amount_history_trancsactions.TripId 
										and latest_date.EditDate <=
												select booking_dates.booking_date
											from #sales_accumulated_fact  booking_dates 
				where booking_dates.trip_flwr_id = latest_date.TripId COLLATE database_default 
) s


I tried to REWORD it like this

Somebody please check this SQL .. no data to test with

Reworded SQL
SET        booked_amount = Isnull(s.booked_amount,0) 
FROM       #sales_accumulated_fact t 
                    SELECT   a.tripid , 
                             Max(b.editdate) AS editdate 
                    FROM     [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] a 
                    WHERE    a.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c' 
                    GROUP BY a.tripid ) s 
and        t.trip_flwr_id = s.tripid 
AND        s.editdate <= t.booking_date
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Thanks a lot :slight_smile: I am going to test it to check :slight_smile:

why not use database specifically designed for BI, flattened data etc. why use your oltp data for BI

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what @harishgg1 created, the and needs to be on

    SET        booked_amount = Isnull(s.booked_amount,0) 
    FROM       #sales_accumulated_fact t 
                        SELECT   a.tripid , 
                                 Max(b.editdate) AS editdate 
                        FROM     [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] a 
                        WHERE    a.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c' 
                        GROUP BY a.tripid 
) s 
    ON        t.trip_flwr_id = s.tripid 
    AND        s.editdate <= t.booking_date
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Hi Sabrina

I also noticed

In your code

What this means
We need to join to inserted table

When we do update
New values are in inserted table
Old values are in deleted table

These inserted deleted tables
Are system tables

Hope this helps

Need to rewrite the query


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Hi @harishgg1,

Unfortunately, it doesn't work :frowning: I have tried again to modify the code based on your suggestion, but I am not getting the correct result...I got 0 value for some cases and NULL of the rest. However, my first code gives what I need after 30min :frowning: I still have a lot to learn to optimise my code...

hi sabrina

how do we go about this

i think we need "communication" at the same time while you are looking at it
and me
will make resolution very fast

please suggest !!! whatsapp perhaps ???

what does your query plan tell you is the issue? Have you checked that first?

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Thanks for your reply. So, in the begining, I got this error message:
Msg 468, Level 16, State 9, Line 187
Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation.

with an invalidcol name 'booked_amount' in the second line just after the update t. The issue perphaps with this amount type...


if we have 2 columns with different collation

we can change the collation of both to some common collation and compare
change the collation of left column to right column
change the collation of right column to left column

doing google search will
show plenty of articles on how to do this !!

if you still need guidance
please ping me :slight_smile::slight_smile:

try this

    SET        booked_amount = Isnull(s.booked_amount,0) 
    FROM       #sales_accumulated_fact t 
                        SELECT   a.tripid , 
                                 Max(b.editdate) AS editdate 
                        FROM     [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] a 
                        WHERE    a.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c' 
                        GROUP BY a.tripid 
) s 
    ON        t.trip_flwr_id = s.tripid collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
    AND        s.editdate <= t.booking_date
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At the moment, I get this error:Invalid column name 'booked_amount'.

I think because we are missing the declaration of the booked_amount in the select clause... no?


you are updating t booked_amount
t is this
#sales_accumulated_fact t

you are getting booked_amount from s
s is this
SELECT a.tripid ,
Max(b.editdate) AS editdate
FROM [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] a
WHERE a.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c'
GROUP BY a.tripid
) s

the error could mean
#sales_accumulated_fact t does not have column booked_Amount

as you thought s should include booked_amount in the select
s is this
SELECT a.tripid ,
Max(b.editdate) AS editdate
FROM [dbo].[Trip__History__c_flwr_t] a
WHERE a.[Field] = 'fwb__Total_Amount__c'
GROUP BY a.tripid
) s

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@harishgg1 in fact, I have declared booked_amount in the ( #sales_accumulated_fact t) and when I have replaced (s.booked_amount) by (t.booked_amount) I don't have an error, but the result is incorrect.

if the result is incorrect ,,

then need to start thinking

what do you have in mind .. expected results

how s.booked_amount is getting DERIVED ?

if i have sample data i could be of some help ...:slight_smile:

When I run this modified code with a select * from #sales_accumulated_fact
where booking_date ='2018-01-01' , I got this result:
trip_number booked_amount
228117 0
228433 NULL
228390 0

However, using the original code took a long time (35min) to be executed and I got this result
trip_number booked_amount
228117 78500
228433 25000
228390 15000

thats why

the where booking_date ='2018-01-01' filter

is giving incorrect data