create table dbo.tblLog
(LogTime datetime
,MachineStatus bit
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),1)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),1)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),1)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),1)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
insert into dbo.tblLog values (getdate(),0)
select * from dbo.tblLog
Need a query to find out "Number of last connected records where the MachineStatus bit is 0) i.e result should be 3 in my insert values