Normalizing a table which doesn't have a primary key

Hello, I'm trying to normalize a table which doesn't have a primary key using sqlite3. One row will have max 25 blob value. Here's my code:

CREATE TABLE "tbl_notation" (
  "int_repno"	INTEGER,
  "int_pageno"	INTEGER,
  "id_reptype" INTEGER,
  "blob_sheet"	MEDIUMBLOB,
  FOREIGN KEY("id_reptype") REFERENCES "tbl_reptype"("id")

It's not a valid relational table if it doesn't have a primary key, so normalization doesn't mean anything until that is done. But if you do that in any simple way, such as by adding a unique ID column, it may already be normalized as it is unless there are unstated relations between the columns.

Thank you for your reply.