Need to concatenate a description field

I need to concatenate a description field from one table from a field from another table. That field contains multiple id's separated by commas.

I'm at a loss as to how to accomplish this without creating several temp tables of the matching data. The result set will contain several hundred records so i think a cursor would be too time intensive.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

  1. post your table definitions (CREATE TABLE statements)
  2. Post INSERT INTO statements to populate the tables
  3. Post the expected results using the tables and data from steps 1 and 2

Here's the TABLE Definitions, INSERT Statements, and Expected Results:
NOTE: These tables originate from a PROGRESS database that are accessible from a linked server utilizing the OPENQUERY function, so it appears that there are no identity fields.

*** CREATE ***

WONumber varchar(26) NULL,
MachPCode varchar(50) NULL,
MachSCode varchar(100) NULL

CREATE TABLE pub.MachinePCodes(
MachPCode varchar(6) NULL,
Description varchar(100) NULL

CREATE TABLE pub.MachineSCodes(
MachSCode varchar(6) NULL,
MachPCode varchar(6) NULL,
Description varchar(100) NULL

*** INSERT ***

INSERT INTO pub.MachinePCodes

INSERT INTO pub.MachineSCodes
('21','306','Bad Bond'),
('33','306','Cold Wrap'),
('33','330','Warm Wrap')


*** Expected Results ***

WONumber MachPCode PDesc MachSCode SDesc
70412053600 21 Quality 330 Other
70412053601 33 Wrapping 306 Bad Bond
70412053602 33 Wrapping 306,330 Cold Wrap, Warm Wrap
70412053603 33 Wrapping 330 Warm Wrap

I'm confused by your data. table MachinePCodes gets entries for pcodes 21 and 33, but table MachineSCodes gets pcodes for 330 and 306. Shouldn't the be the same?

Ah - I mixed up the order of the input data. The 2-digit number is the PCode or PrimaryCode and the 3-digit number is the SCode or SecondaryCode. My Apologies.

Try this:

SELECT wo.WONumber
      , wo.MachPCode
      , Pcodes.[Description] AS Pdesc
      , stuff(scodes, 1, 1, '') AS MachSCode
      , STUFF(sdesc, 1, 1, '') AS SDesc
FROM #dbo_WOAudit WO
INNER JOIN #pub_MachinePCodes pcodes
      ON wo.MachPCode = pcodes.MachPCode
      SELECT ',' + scodes.MachSCode
      FROM #pub_MachineSCodes scodes
      WHERE scodes.MachPCode = wo.MachPCode
            AND 0 < charindex(',' + scodes.MachSCode + ',', ',' + wo.MachSCode + ',')
      ORDER BY scodes.MachSCode
      FOR XML path('')
      ) _(scodes)
      SELECT ',' + scodes.Description
      FROM #pub_MachineSCodes scodes
      WHERE scodes.MachPCode = wo.MachPCode
            AND 0 < charindex(',' + scodes.MachSCode + ',', ',' + wo.MachSCode + ',')
      ORDER BY scodes.MachSCode
      FOR XML path('')
      ) __(SDesc)

Worked like a charm! I made a few adjustments to separate out those records that do not have a numeric secondaryCode, load them first into a temp table, and then get all the other records that have a numeric secondaryCode and load them into that temp table. Then I just select * from that temp table. I guess I have a bit more to learn about SQL because I have never seen CROSS APPLY. Brilliant 'gbritton'!! Thank you.

Here's how I changed things:

INSERT INTO #tmpTblSummary
( WONumber
, PrimaryCode
, PrimaryDescription
, SecondaryCode
, SecondaryDescription
SELECT wo.WONumber
, wo.PrimaryCode
, Pcodes.PrimaryDescription
, wo.SecondaryCode
, ISNULL(STUFF(sdesc, 1, 1, ''),'None') AS SecondaryDescription
FROM pub.TblMainRecords WO
INNER JOIN pub.TblPrimaryCodes pcodes
ON wo.PrimaryCode = pcodes.MachPCode
SELECT ',' + scodes.MachSCode
FROM pub.TblSecondaryCodes scodes
WHERE scodes.MachPCode = wo.PrimaryCode
AND (0 < charindex(',' + scodes.MachSCode + ',', ',' + wo.SecondaryCode + ','))
ORDER BY scodes.MachSCode
FOR XML path('')
) _(scodes)
SELECT ',' + scodes.SecondaryDescription
FROM pub.TblSecondaryCodes scodes
WHERE scodes.MachPCode = wo.PrimaryCode
AND 0 < charindex(',' + scodes.MachSCode + ',', ',' + wo.SecondaryCode + ',')
ORDER BY scodes.MachSCode
FOR XML path('')
) __(SDesc)
WHERE CHARINDEX(',',wo.SecondaryCode) > 0

INSERT INTO #tmpTblSummary
( WONumber
, PrimaryCode
, PrimaryDescription
, SecondaryCode
, SecondaryDescription
SELECT wo.WONumber
, wo.PrimaryCode
, Pcodes.PrimaryDescription
, wo.SecondaryCode
, ISNULL(scodes.SecondaryDescription,'None') As SecondaryDescription
FROM pub.TblMainRecords wo
LEFT JOIN pub.TblPrimaryCodes pcodes
ON pcodes.MachPCode = wo.PrimaryCode
LEFT JOIN pub.TblSecondaryCodes scodes
ON scodes.MachPCode = wo.PrimaryCode
AND scodes.MachSCode = wo.SecondaryCode
WHERE CHARINDEX(',',wo.SecondaryCode) = 0

FROM #tmpTblSummary
ORDER BY WONumber, PrimaryCode, SecondaryCode

By-the-way please use the </> icon to format your code. (Between the quotes and upload)