Hi All,
This query captures May2021 Monthly report. Need help in changing the conditon query to capture Previous week
Data. (1 week Data)
Here's the query:
INC.[number] As 'INC_Number'
,CAST(INC.[opened_at] as datetime) As 'Opened_At'
,INC.[dv_cmdb_ci] As 'Configuration_Item'
,INC.[dv_caller_id] As 'Caller_ID'
,INC.[dv_u_service_recipient] As 'Service_Recipient'
,INC.[dv_assigned_to] As 'Assigned_To'
,INC.[dv_priority] As 'Priority'
,INC.[short_description] As 'Short_Description'
,INC.[dv_close_code] As 'Close_Code'
,INC.[dv_u_tracking_code_details] As 'Tracking_Code'
,CAST(INC.[resolved_at] as datetime) As 'Resolved_At'
FROM SN.[incident] INC
WHERE (INC.[resolved_at]>='2021-05-01 00:00:00' AND INC.[resolved_at]<'2021-06-01 00:00:00')
AND INC.[assignment_group] = 'bb676c63804'
AND INC.[state] IN('9','0')
ORDER BY INC.[resolved_at]