Need help forming a statement

Hi Folks.

New user/just joined. Not a boat load of exp.

Not sure if it's possible but I'm trying to form a statement that excludes results equaling zero. Right now I have

SELECT cu_name, hd_sku, 
sum(case when hd_type in ('SRR','SRC','ARR','ARC','URR','URC','LRR','LRC','DRR','DRC','LNO','LND') and 
0 = 1 then 0 else hd_trn_qty + hd_adj_qty end) AS qty, (sg_weight/16)*hd_trn_qty as wght

It's the last bit that's got me... I want to say WHERE wght <> 0, but wght is not recognized as a column. I'm thinking this can be accomplished with a CASE statement but, again, I don't know how to form it, I've never dived this deep into SQL before.

Now I could be an idiot and a CASE statement is not the way to go, which is what brings me here to the people who are more well versed than I. Any help is greatly appreciated.

You cannot use aliases in the WHERE clausule, you have to use the fields itself:

WHERE (sg_weight/16)*hd_trn_qty <> 0 should work.

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I think you also need to SUM that column:

SUM(sg_weight/16)*hd_trn_qty) AS wght

And if so - then it needs to go in the HAVING clause:

HAVING SUM(sg_weight/16)*hd_trn_qty) <> 0

Unless you are grouping by the weight - but I don't see why you would be doing that.

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Yup, that's the ticket. I didn't even think to try the formula in the WHERE clause. Thank you very much!

You are correct Sir. I did Sum that column (after the fact) and because there is always more than one way to skin a cat, both options work here... Adding it to the WHERE or adding a HAVING.

I prefer using a CROSS APPLY to assign a name to the calc'd value(s). This avoids having to repeat calcs multiple times, which can be a pain if the calc changes later.

You could get different results with WHERE vs HAVING. I would think WHERE here would be more accurate.

SELECT cu_name, hd_sku, 
    sum(case when hd_type in ('SRR','SRC','ARR','ARC','URR','URC','LRR','LRC','DRR','DRC','LNO','LND') and 
        0 = 1 then 0 else hd_trn_qty + hd_adj_qty end) AS qty,
FROM dbo.your_table
    SELECT sg_weight/16*hd_trn_qty as wght
) AS ca1
WHERE wght <> 0