Attached is the source data and how I want in target table through SQL query
You can use the LAG function in T-SQL:
LAG (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
As you did provide us a picture I cannot test it against your sample data, so it could be something like this. If you provide some sql with sample data I can test it and provide a tested example.
;WITH SomethingIDontKnow AS
SELECT mtr_id, msr, LAG(msr, 1,0) OVER PARTITION BY (mtr_id ORDER BY reading_date) AS prev_msr, reading_date
CASE WHEN msr <> LAG(msr, 1,0) OVER PARTITION BY (mtr_id ORDER BY reading_date) THEN 1 ELSE 0 AS [Group]
FROM Your_Table
) SELECT mtr_id, msr, reading_date, SUM([Group]) AS [Group]
GROUP BY mtr_id, msr, reading_date;
Please provide some sample data so I can make it work You should get the idea I'm thinking about as only the sum isn't working.
Maybe it's not the best solution, but I'm not able to do better at the moment.
if object_id('tempdb..#t') is not null drop table #t
create table #t
mtr_id int
, msr int
, reading_date date
insert into #t(mtr_id, msr, reading_date) values
(5, 60, '20230508')
, (5, 60, '20230509')
, (5, 60, '20230510')
, (5, 60, '20230511')
, (5, 15, '20230512')
, (5, 15, '20230513')
, (5, 15, '20230514')
, (5, 15, '20230515')
, (5, 60, '20230516')
, (5, 60, '20230517')
, (5, 60, '20230518')
, (5, 60, '20230519')
, (5, 15, '20230520')
, (5, 15, '20230521')
, (5, 15, '20230522')
, (5, 15, '20230523')
; with cte as
when lag(msr,1) over (partition by mtr_id order by reading_date) is null then 1
when msr <> lag(msr,1) over (partition by mtr_id order by reading_date) then 1
) as rn
from #t
, cte2 as
, msr
, reading_date
from cte
where rn=1
, cte3 as
, row_number() over (order by reading_date) as [Group]
from cte2
cte.mtr_id, cte.msr, cte.reading_date
, t.[Group]
from cte
outer apply
select top 1
and cte3.msr=cte.msr
and cte3.reading_date <= cte.reading_date
order by
cte3.reading_date desc
) as t
order by
This is working fine as of now on Dev data. Let see how it behaves in prod. Thank you very much for your help. Will update you of prod