Need an idea to create PPTX over a homepage button with


i need an idea for the best way to create an PPTX over a homepage button. On the homepage you can switch dropdown-menus to show a lot of charts. (this isn't my part...)
Now i have a button on the homepage and what is the next step? The button can give the variables from the dropdown-menu to (T-)SQL? Can i make a PPTX with T-SQL?
We used MSSQL V13 and VB.NET.

The PPTX is finish (a lot of textboxes and charts). What i need: the variables from the homepage into the PPTX.
I'm good in VB.NET, but HTML and MSSQL only basics. But i'm learning fast :wink:
Thanks for a good idea!


short answer: no

longer answer: using Integration Services with Script tasks and components to actually assemble the pptx, maybe. Note that this would require installing PPT on the server running the package. Don't know about you, but office apps are not allowed on servers in some business, including where I work.

Do you mean Visual Studio 2013? SQL Server has current versions 2012, 2014, 2016, but I don't recall a 2013 version