In table cfg200 there are 4 fields erep, prep, srep, and rrep which all contain employee id's. In table com001 are the fields emno(id) and nama (name). I'm trying to write a query where I don't have to join com001 4 times to cfg200 to get the employee name for the 4 different fields. Is there an uncomplicated way to do this?
What does your final output look like? The following just spits out a list of emnos and corresponding names if those emnos are present in one of the four columns.
;WITH cte AS
(SELECT [erep],[prep],[srep],[rrep] FROM cfg200 ) s
( emno FOR col IN ([erep],[prep],[srep],[rrep]) )U
cte c
INNER JOIN com001 t ON t.erep = c.emno
from cfg200
join com001 as e on e.emno=cfg200.erep
join com001 as p on p.emno=cfg200.prep
join com100 as s on s.emno=cfg200.srep
join com100 as r on r.emno=cfg200.rrep
1023| harry | 2025 | steve | 3054 | moe| 4087 | larry
Is there a better way of doing this then 4 joins. It's not complicated but it might not be the easiest way.