This is the ugly query:
DECLARE @currDate Date = GETDATE();
DECLARE @30DaysAgo Date;
Set @30DaysAgo = DateAdd(Day, -30, @currDate)
SET @xml = CAST((SELECT Shipments.ProNumber, Divisions.LookupCode AS Division, FreightBills.InternalNotes, FreightBills.ApproverComments, Orgs.Name AS [Shipper Name], Orgs.City AS [Shipper City], Orgs_1.Name AS [Cons Name], Orgs_1.City AS [Cons City], StateProvinces_1.LookupCode AS [Ship ST], StateProvinces.LookupCode AS [Cons ST], Orgs.Zip AS [Shipper Zip], Orgs_1.Zip AS [Cons Zip], Orgs_2.Name AS [Carrier Name], FreightBills.RecommendedPaymentAmount, Countries.Name AS [Ship Country], Countries_1.Name AS [Cons Country], FreightBills.CarrierNotes, Shipments.BOLNumber AS [HA BOL #], ViewAllShipmentRefs.[INTL BOL #], ViewAllShipmentRefs.[INTL Entry #], Shipments.WeightOriginal, ViewTotalFuel.RecommendedPaymentAmount AS [Carrier FSC], ViewTotalACCBilledandRecommended.AccRecommendedAmount AS CarrierACC, Left([shipments].[LastEditDT],10) AS [Date placedintoCA], Left([shipments].[actualdeliverydt],10) AS [Delv Date], Left([freightbills].[invoicedt],10) AS [Invoice Date by Carrier], Left([shipments].[shipdt],10) AS [Ship Date], ViewAllShipmentRefs.[PO #], ViewAllShipmentRefs.[Client BOL Number], ViewAllShipmentRefs.[Packing List #], FreightBills.LastEditDT
FROM (((((((((((Shipments INNER JOIN FreightBills ON Shipments.Id = FreightBills.ShipmentId) INNER JOIN Divisions ON Shipments.DivisionId = Divisions.Id) INNER JOIN Orgs ON Shipments.ShipperOrgId = Orgs.Id) INNER JOIN Orgs AS Orgs_1 ON Shipments.ConsigneeOrgId = Orgs_1.Id) INNER JOIN StateProvinces AS StateProvinces_1 ON Orgs.StateProvinceId = StateProvinces_1.Id) INNER JOIN StateProvinces ON Orgs_1.StateProvinceId = StateProvinces.Id) INNER JOIN Orgs AS Orgs_2 ON Shipments.CarrierOrgId = Orgs_2.Id) INNER JOIN Countries ON StateProvinces_1.CountryId = Countries.Id) INNER JOIN Countries AS Countries_1 ON StateProvinces.CountryId = Countries_1.Id) LEFT JOIN ViewAllShipmentRefs ON Shipments.Id = ViewAllShipmentRefs.ShipmentId) LEFT JOIN ViewTotalFuel ON FreightBills.Id = ViewTotalFuel.FreightBillId) LEFT JOIN ViewTotalACCBilledandRecommended ON FreightBills.Id = ViewTotalACCBilledandRecommended.FreightBillId))
WHERE (((FreightBills.LastEditDT)<@30DaysAgo) AND ((Shipments.ParentOrgId)=149) AND ((Shipments.Status)=1) AND ((FreightBills.Status)=2))
Msg 1035, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
Incorrect syntax near 'CAST', expected 'AS'.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 9
Incorrect syntax near 'FreightBills'.
I have removed a few parenthesis, moving around but no help.
Can any give an assist? Thanks