MDS Migration from earlier version to later version

Hello, I am trying to migrate from Master Data Services from SQL Server 2012 (RTM) 11.0.2100.60 to SQL Server 2012 (SP2) 11.0.5058.0, but I keep running into validation issues with after I restore the MDS database(s) to the new version... There are about 40K items to validate, but ~1500 items stay in the 'Waiting for revalidation' state according to the Validation Summary...

I have made sure that MDS Configuration and the SQL Server db versions match, but the web application of MDS, throws 'Error 208 - Missing object' (gathered from my profiler trace) -

I, also,find that there is a SELECT statement in a stored procedure that is trying to join on a CTE that is not defined. The trace also shows that the LoginName is 'S-1-9-3*', which is not a LoginName that any of the DBA's created...

Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated - thanks...

sounds like an MDS bug in the SP