Hi There,
I need your help again.
I have 2 tables WorksReq & PartsReq with a related field called PartsId
I need to list all records from WorkReq that do not have a related record in PartsReq.
For example 1 record in WorksReq has a PartsId = 167 but there is not a record in PartsReq with a PartsId = 167
How do I list all the WorkReq records with a missing PartsReq record.
Thanks for any help you can give.
Best Regards,
select * from WorksReq
where PartsId not in(select PartsId from PartsReq)
Hi Ahmed,
Thanks for the reply.
That worked for me, Thank you.
I now need to write the missing PartsReq records using values from the WorksReq record.
So for each WorksReq record that does not have a matching PartsReq record, insert a PartsReq Record with values PartsReq.PartsId = WorksReq.PartsId,
PartsReq.Description = WorksReq.Description,
PartsReq.DateReq = WorksReq.DateReq etc
How would I get each WorksReq field values and use them to add records into the PartsReq table.
Thanks for the help.
Best Regards,
can you try this
Insert into PartsReq(PartsId,Description,DateReq)
select PartsId,Description,DateReq from WorksReq
where PartsId not in(select PartsId from PartsReq)