Long running curson logic

Hi Below cursor logic takes 2 hrs to run can you please let me know suggest alternate logic to replace while loop.


Declare Cursor1 cursor for

select col1,col2, col3, colsum = (select count(*) from table2 where table2.col1 = table1.col1) from table1

open Cursor1

Fetch next from Cursor1 into

while (@@ fetch_status = 0)
SET @colsum1 = @col2 + @col3

if @colsum = 0
Insert into Table2 (col1, col2, col3 ,col4,Ind)


select @col4 = col1,
@col5 = col2
from table2
where col3 = @ col3 and col4 = @colsum1 and Ind = 1

set @col1 = @col4 + col1
set @col2 = @col5 + col2

update table2 set Ind = 0
where col3 = @ col3 and col4 = @colsum1 and Ind = 1

Insert into tabl2 (col1, col2, col3 ,col4,Ind)


Fetch next from Cursor1 into


Close Cursor1

Deallocate cursor1

Are you using Microsoft SQL Server, or another RDBMS? On MS SQL, the code you posted does not parse. In MS SQL each variable declaration must include a data type (such as int, float etc.), and multiple variables declared using a single declare statement must be separated by commas etc.

this is just prototype of actual stored procedure , I have created. this is not actual code.

Not knowing your data:

Create insert and update staging tables -- two queries. then use those staging tables to update the final table -- two more queries. No cursors. No RBAR

There may be an easier way, but you can start there.

Perhaps post some sample input and output data

The UPDATE is reasonably straight forward.

SET Ind = 0
FROM dbo.table2 t2
INNER JOIN dbo.table1 t1 ON t1.col1 = t2.col1 and t1.col2 + t1.col3 <> 0
WHERE t2.col3 = t1.col3 and t2.col4 = (t1.col2 + t1.col3) and Ind = 1

But I can't tell what the INSERT should be when a row already exists in table2 because the logic in your code is not valid:
set @col1 = @col4 + col1
set @col2 = @col5 + col2
Is that supposed to be "+ @col1" and "+ @col2"? If so, why not just do that in the INSERT statement itself rather than corrupt the base values in those variables?

Yes Update is straight forward.

For insert I miss @col1 and @col2, so it is

set @col1 = @col4 + @col1
set @col2 = @col5 + @col2

Yes we move these to insert but still it will be a while loop and row by row processing

why? show some before and after examples.