Left outer join?

Have got a bit of an issue here. See below sql statement, which supposed to bring incident data. I'm interested in highlighted areas. When [AppUserRole_RelatedItem] has no record the output should still bring data from INCIDENT table, but input blank in ReportedBy field. How do I do that?

SELECT [incident].id
,CASE WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 914 THEN 'First Aid'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 136 THEN 'Near Hits'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1788 THEN 'Breach Incident'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1789 THEN 'No-Breach Incident'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1787 THEN 'Complaints'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1785 THEN 'Regulator Visit'
WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1786 THEN 'Regulator Correspondence'
END As Inc_Type
,CASE WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID > 0 THEN AppUser.Surname + ', ' + AppUser.Forename
WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID < 0 THEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Other_Description
WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID = '' THEN 'NA'
END As ReportedBy

FROM [Envoy].[dbo].[Incident]
JOIN [Site] on [Site].ID = [Incident].Site_ID
JOIN [System_Category_Module] on [System_Category_Module].Module_ID = [Incident].ID
JOIN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem] on [Incident].ID = [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Module_ID
LEFT JOIN [AppUser] on [AppUser].ID = [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID

WHERE [Incident].Inc_Date >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()), 0)

AND ([System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 914
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 136
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1788
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1789
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1787
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1785
OR [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1786)

AND [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Sub_Code = 'REP_BY'

LEFT OUTER JOIN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem] on [Incident].ID = [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Module_ID AND [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Sub_Code = 'REP_BY'

And remove the 'REP_BY' from the WHERE clause, move it to the LEFT JOIN instead.

It doubles every single record.

use distinct

Distinct won't work either, ntext data type cannot be selected as DISTINCT because it is not comparable.

try this

	,CASE WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 914 THEN 'First Aid'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 136 THEN 'Near Hits'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1788 THEN 'Breach Incident'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1789 THEN 'No-Breach Incident'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1787 THEN 'Complaints'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1785 THEN 'Regulator Visit'
	 WHEN [System_Category_Module].Category_ID = 1786 THEN 'Regulator Correspondence'
	 END As Inc_Type
	,CASE WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID > 0 THEN AppUser.Surname + ', ' + AppUser.Forename
	WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID < 0 THEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Other_Description
	WHEN [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID = '' THEN 'NA'
	END As ReportedBy
FROM [Envoy].[dbo].[Incident]

JOIN [Site] on [Site].ID = [Incident].Site_ID

JOIN [System_Category_Module] on [System_Category_Module].Module_ID = [Incident].ID

left JOIN (select distinct * from [AppUserRole_RelatedItem] where Sub_Code = 'REP_BY')[AppUserRole_RelatedItem] 
on [Incident].ID = [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].Module_ID 

LEFT JOIN [AppUser] on [AppUser].ID = [AppUserRole_RelatedItem].UserRole_ID
	[Incident].Inc_Date >= DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, GETDATE()), 0)
AND [System_Category_Module].Category_ID in (914,136,1788,1789,1787,1785,1786)

Wow, thanks. From the first glance that is looking exactly what I needed it to do. I will be testing it in different situations tomorrow, thus will post more feedback when finish.

Greatly appreciated for help.

All works just fine.

Thank you again for your time and afford.