Iterating through a schedule with recursions and factors

I have a scenario in which a schedule is recorded like the top table below. Notice the start and end times, the meeting length, and the fact that you could book more than 1 meeting (book factor) during the times slot. The second table is the result needed. I have it working using the dreaded cursor, but I know there's got to be a more elegant solutions. Surely someone else has run into something similar?

empID	bookFactor	mtgLen	mtgStart	  mtgEnd
    1	2	         15	7/1/2015 8:00	   7/1/2015 8:15
    1	1	         15	 7/1/2015 10:00    7/1/2015 11:00
    2	1	         30	 7/1/2015 10:00	   7/1/2015 11:00
    2	2	         20	 7/2/2015 9:00	   7/2/2015 9:20
    3	1	         20	 7/2/2015 10:00	   7/1/2015 10:20

empID	schedule
  1	7/1/2015 8:00
  1	7/1/2015 8:00
  1	7/1/2015 10:00
  1	7/1/2015 10:15
  1	7/1/2015 10:30
  1	7/1/2015 10:45
  2	7/1/2015 10:00
  2	7/1/2015 10:30
  2	7/2/2015 9:00
  3	7/2/2015 10:00

Started working on this then realized I don't understand why these entries are in the results. You have a 15 minute meeting booked at 10 for empid=1. what's up with 10:15, 10:30 and 10:45?

Sorry - should have pointed it out a little more concisely. The schedule could be entered as a time block, but needs to be broken up by the indicated meeting length and then times the book factor. Thus, a meeting starting at 10:00 but ending at 10:30 with a 15 minute length is actually two meetings - 1 starting at 10:00 and one starting at 10:15. If the booking factor was 2, that would mean 4 meetings 2 at 10:00 and 2 at 10:15.

I apologize for any confusion. Does that help?

that's what I figured, but the meeting for empid 1 at 10 am is just 15 minutes long. so where do the 10:15, 10:30 and 10:45 meetings come from?

It ends at 11:00....

Then column mtglen is wrong?

OK -- this is a possible solution:

declare @ table(empID int,	bookFactor int,	mtgLen int,	mtgStart datetime,mtgEnd datetime);
insert into @(empID, bookFactor, mtgLen, mtgStart, mtgEnd) values    
    (1, 2, 15, '7/1/2015 8:00','7/1/2015 8:15   '),
    (1, 1, 15, '7/1/2015 10:00','7/1/2015 11:00 '),
    (2, 1, 30, '7/1/2015 10:00','7/1/2015 11:00 '),
    (2, 2, 20, '7/2/2015 9:00','7/2/2015 9:20   '),
    (3, 1, 20, '7/2/2015 10:00','7/1/2015 10:20 ')

with N(n) as 
    ( select (row_number() over(order by (select 1))) -1
      from sys.columns, sys.columns _

select empID
     , dateadd(minute, q.n*mtgLen, mtgStart) 
        AS Schedule
from @ t
join N on t.bookFactor > N.n
Join N q on q.n < floor((datediff(minute, mtgStart, mtgEnd)+mtgLen-1)/mtgLen)
order by empid, Schedule

Note that the data for emp 3 looks wrong, since the end date precedes the start date.

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You're so right - it was a typo on the last one. Thanks - this is lovely. Sorry for the delay - I've been going through it and making sense. Some days my head feels like the rotating Reagan from the Exorcist. Thanks so much.

Reagan wasn't in The Exorcist, you must be thinking of Hillary.

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