update mkf set mkf.Score= mkf.score -
select sum(pp.ScoreInScale) from Progresses pp
where pp.MemberKnowledgeFieldId = mkf.Id
and pp.KnowledgeId in
(select k.KnowledgeId from knowledges k where k.Code in
FROM NewKms_MECO..MemberKnowledgeFields mkf
where mkf.Id in
(select p.MemberKnowledgeFieldId from Progresses p
where p.KnowledgeId in
select k.KnowledgeId from knowledges k where k.Code in
We can't judge whether or not is correct without knowing what it is intended to do.
I can say it is a complete mess as far as readability and maintainability is concerned.
As far as optimized, all I can do is judge it by intuition since I know almost nothing about the tables and indexes, and the impression I get is that it is not optimized.