Inserting a default value for a datetimeoffset column from a json data field that has a null value

I am using a stored procedure that inserts a json document. Everything was 'working' until an issue arose where one of the datetime fields in the json document had a null value.

What's odd is the sql column it was inserting into has allow nulls set to no but I had a default date set to GETDATE(), so first I tried using GETUTCDATE(), and SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() and both are not setting the default date.

So next I tried changing the insert statement(trimmed up for brevity)

			SiteName, SiteOrderId, CreatedDateUtc, PaymentDate, EstimatedShipDate, ShipmentDateUtc, 
			ShipmentTrackingUrl, ShipmentCarrier, ShipmentService, ShipmentCost, DeliverByDateUtc)
			SELECT o.[SiteName], o.[SiteOrderID], CAST(NULLIF(o.[CreatedDateUtc], '') AS datetimeoffset),	CAST(NULLIF(o.[PaymentDateUtc], '') AS datetimeoffset),
				   CAST(NULLIF(o.EstimatedShipDateUtc, DATEADD(HOUR, 12, o.[PaymentDateUtc])) AS datetimeoffset), CAST(NULLIF(s.ShippedDateUtc, '') AS datetimeoffset), s.TrackingNumber,	
				   s.TrackingUrl, s.ShippingCarrier, s.ShippingClass, s.ShippingCost, CAST(NULLIF(o.DeliverByDateUtc, '') AS datetimeoffset)
			FROM OPENJSON(@payload)			
				OrderID bigint '$.OrderID',
				ID bigint '$.ID',
				[Type] nvarchar(250),
				ShippedDateUtc nvarchar(50),
				TrackingNumber nvarchar(100),
				TrackingUrl nvarchar(MAX),
				ShippingCarrier nvarchar(150),
				ShippingClass nvarchar(150),
				ShippingCost nvarchar(50),
			) s
				DeliverByDateUtc nvarchar(50),
				ShippingCity nvarchar(250),
				ShippingStateOrProvince nvarchar(100),
				ShippingPostalCode nvarchar(50),
				ShippingCountry nvarchar(50),
				SiteName nvarchar(250),
				SiteOrderID nvarchar(250),
				CreatedDateUtc nvarchar(50),
				PaymentDateUtc nvarchar(50),				
				EstimatedShipDateUtc nvarchar(50)
			) o

heres the json payload

DECLARE @payload nvarchar(MAX) = '{
		"ShippingCarrier":"Amazon Merchants@",
		"Order": {
			  "SiteName":"Amazon Seller Central - US",
			  "RequestedShippingCarrier":"Amazon Merchants@",
			"Sku": "Test01",
			"ReferenceSku": null,
			"ReferenceProductID": null,
		        "WarehouseLocation": null

Any help is appreciated

Thanks for the rubber ducking session!

I forgot about COALESCE

COALESCE(o.[CreatedDateUtc], GETUTCDATE()) AS [CreatedDate],	
COALESCE(o.[PaymentDateUtc], o.[CreatedDateUtc]) AS [PaymentDate],					
COALESCE(o.EstimatedShipDateUtc, DATEADD(HOUR, 11.5, GETUTCDATE())) AS EstimatedShipDate,					
COALESCE(s.[ShippedDateUtc], GETUTCDATE()) AS [ShippedDate], 
COALESCE(o.DeliverByDateUtc, DATEADD(DAY, 10, GETUTCDATE())) AS DeliverByDate

This is what I used and its working.

I think you where confused with the ISNULL and the NULLIF function.

Nailed it