INSERT says its worked but hasn't!

Hello. Wihtout an error message I'm a little stuck here. I've used the 'script table as > insert' to generate a really simple insert statment. Typed in the data to be inserted.

I click execute, and it says '1 row(s) affected'. Great, its worked. BUUUTTT I go to the table and my new record isn't there.

When I type the exact same data into the table directly it works.

Any suggestions on what is stopping the insert statment working?

Please post the little script that you used so we can have a look at it.

Only other thought is that a TRIGGER rolled back your INSERT. Or it was in a Transaction Block and is waiting for COMMIT (but if you did SELECT in the same session as the INSERT I would expect you to be able to see it)

Do you have implicit transactions set ON? if so, you need to commit your changes after insert.

Thanks both.. I checked and there isn't any triggers on that table.

Tried setting implicit transactions on and off but same for both.

The code is pretty simple:

INSERT INTO [dbo].[th]
( ' '

UNIQUE INDEX or Primary Key on some column(s)?

I expect you are just not seeing the error message for some reason.

I would do something like:

SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [dbo].[th] WHERE [th_actcode] = ' '    -- Show any pre-existing matches
INSERT INTO [dbo].[th]
           ( ' '
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM [dbo].[th] WHERE [th_actcode] = ' '    -- Display the new row

There is primary key - the default value is set to 'newid()' so i've not included it in the insert statement.

I tried including it, with the value newid() but it didn't help

OK, its not that then ...

Try displaying any matching rows before / after. If you have some sort of transaction going on you should see the new row in the AFTER. (Run all three statements - the SELECT, INSERT and SELECT - as a single batch)

Cracked it! Thanks for all your help Kristen!

Running a SELECT, INSERT and SELECT in the same statement showed me it had been inserting records all long.

The issue was it was inserting one field as a INT and trimming off the leading zeros.

Today has taught me some valuable lessons :smile:

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