Indexes to add to my queries

As an assignment, I had to write 3 queries that answer 3 different business questions with an emphasis on optimization (Tables consist billions of rows). I'm not working with any actual DB so ignore lack of information about the actual DBMS, indexing, etc

Query 1:
Find the top 3 products(product name) by the highest number of clients purchasing them

> select p.product_name, e.purchases From  (
>     Select top 3 
>     e.product_id , count(distinct e.client_id) as purchases 
>     From  events as e
>     Where event_type = 3    
>     Order by 2 DESC  ) as e  left join products as p on e.product_id=p.product_id

Query 2:
find the amount of clients which have seen an impression of a product before purchasing it.

> ;WITH cteProdsClients AS (
>     SELECT product_id, client_id, 
>         MIN(CASE WHEN event_type = '1' THEN event_ts ELSE NULL END) AS    first_impression,
>         MIN(CASE WHEN event_type = '3' THEN event_ts ELSE NULL END) AS first_purchase
>     FROM events
>     WHERE event_type IN ('1', '3')
>     GROUP BY product_id, client_id
>     HAVING MAX(CASE WHEN event_type = '1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1 AND
>        MAX(CASE WHEN event_type = '3' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1 ) 

>     SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT client_id) AS client_count FROM cteProdsClients WHERE
>     > first_impression < first_purchase

Query 3:
clients which have seen an impression of a product at least 3 times before purchasing it.

> ;WITH cteProdsClients AS (
>     SELECT product_id, client_id,  
>     MIN(CASE WHEN event_type = '1' THEN event_ts ELSE NULL END) AS 
>     first_impression,            
>     MIN(CASE WHEN event_type = '3' THEN event_ts ELSE NULL END) AS first_purchase
>     FROM events
>     WHERE event_type IN ('1', '3')
>     GROUP BY product_id, client_id
>     HAVING MIN(event_type) = '1' AND MAX(event_type) = '3' AND SUM(CASE WHEN event_type = 
      '1' THEN 1 END)>=3                         
> ) SELECT DISTINCT client_id FROM cteProdsClients  WHERE
> first_impression < first_purchase

I added the filter index for the 3rd query (I guess it helps for the second as well):

> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON events( event_type, product_id,
> client_id, event_ts ) WHERE event_type IN ('1', '3')

My question is- are there other indexes I can add to improve performance? or is this one enough?
I'm open for advices for any other improvements in any query.

Since you're not working with real data there is no way to know if the indexes will be helpful or not. If the actual data has a high skew, for instance, 99% of your event_types are 1 or 3, then the index will just use extra space and will unlikely improve performance.

And no, you can't say "that won't be the case" because, as you stated, you're not working with an actual database. Asking us to "ignore lack of information about the actual DBMS, indexing, etc" is asking a brain surgeon to ignore their patient's other, traumatic injuries.

Link to original question for others who may want to weigh in, suggest reading it first:

We need to close one of these threads, they're duplicates. I'll let you choose which one.

This index:

events ( event_type, product_id, client_id ) INCLUDE ( event_ts )

will support both queries.

Can I ask why the event_ts is in the "include" part?

It may not need to be part of the key columns. Then again, it could safely be put in the key columns if you want to do that, it won't hurt anything.