In Msaccess getting invalid SQL Statement; expected delete, insert, procedure, select or update error


Where im making mistake in msaccess query that getting syntax error.

SELECT pd.*,p.po_no,p.po_date,s.sub_desc from(pod) pd INNER JOIN poh p ON pd.po_no = p.po_no INNER JOIN (subledg) s ON p.supp_code = s.acc_code WHERE pd.itemcode IN (Select itemcode FROM(pod) WHERE(po_no = 226566)) ORDER BY pd.itemcode

Thanks & Regards,

Looks like it's ok, I think it's this part what is causing the error:

from(pod) pd

it should be:

from pod pd

Formatting your query is important at it's easier to read, easier to understand and your making less mistakes. I would recommand to not use pd.* as well, use only the fields you need and if you really need them all then specify them all.

FROM pod pd 
	INNER JOIN poh p 
		ON pd.po_no = p.po_no 
	INNER JOIN subledg s 
		ON p.supp_code = s.acc_code 
WHERE pd.itemcode IN (
				FROM pod 
				WHERE po_no = 226566
ORDER BY pd.itemcode;

Although this is the correct syntax for SQL, it might not be for Access queries. The Access SQL dialect differs on several spots from T-SQL. I believe to remember joins are constructed in a different way