How to use inner join instead of left join on query below in case of data not exist on chemical master?

I work on sql server 2014 I need to use inner join instead of left join
and update Haschemical i case of exist by haschemical or No in case of not exist
on statement below

i need to use inner join instead of left join because data is very big on table
ExtractReports.dbo.FinalComplanceDataDelivery may be 20 million so query take too much time to execute

update r set r.HasChemical=case when cm.partid is not null then 'HasChemical' else 'No' end
     from ExtractReports.dbo.FinalComplanceDataDelivery r with(nolock)
     left join 
     Parts.ChemicalMaster cm with(nolock) on cm.partid=r.partid

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