How to select each row 500 records(with comma separate values string) from table in sql server 2016

Hi All,

‌ My table have a 10000 records and my table like
I‌d Name
1‌ abcd
1‌ efgh
1 xyz
u‌p to 10000records

F‌inally ‌how to select each row 500 records(with comma separate values string) from table
M‌y results like

I‌d Name
1‌ abcd,efgh,xyz(500 records)
1‌ qwe,rty,uio(500 records)
1‌ asd,fgh,jkl(500 records)
‌up to end

P‌lease help me on this.


There are a few ways to do this. One would be:

   Stuff( (
          SELECT ',' + Name AS [text()] FROM dbo.MyTable
          WHERE Id = 1 FOR XML PATH('')
        , 1
        , 1
        , ''
        ); -- the Stuff function is to remove the leading comma

This one is comma separate that is ok...but how to select each row 500 records the we will process comma separate string...