How to select data based dynamically based on start and end of Affected Product from Parts Data Table?

I work on SQL server 2012 I need to get data from #partsdata table where part number matches
Affected Product both start and End

as Example where I have Affected Product as


then I will get Parts That have start APAMS- and End by G

start must be end with dash (-)

this roles applied to another rows on search data table .

I get part number that have matched with start f affected product and end with same character of affected product

 create table #searchdata
 Id int,
 AffectedProduct nvarchar(50)
 insert into #searchdata(Id,AffectedProduct)
 create table #PartsData
 PartId int,
 PartNumber nvarchar(50)
 insert into #PartsData(PartId,PartNumber)

Expected Result

 PartId    PartNumber
 233    APAMS-234G
 501    APAMS-901G
 909    APAMS-901G
 700    APg-670F
 550    APg-G3DF
 940    APg-321F
 702    Dom-670D
 710    Dom-G3DD

so How to do that please ?

Assuming that each "*" in your search data is supposed to represent a place holder for a single character, the following will work but will also guarantee a table/index scan in the #PartsData table because of the midstring search.

 SELECT pd.*
   FROM #PartsData  pd
   JOIN #searchdata sd ON pd.PartNumber LIKE REPLACE(sd.AffectedProduct,'*','_')

A MUCH better way would be to break the part numbers into the 3 parts that they all appear to be made from and a permanent change to how you store data in the table. You could even use persisted computed columns to break each part number into the 3 different parts for much better performance on such ad hoc searches.

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thank you for reply

if I need first part only as
APAMS-, ,APg-,Dom-
meaning i need to filter by first part of word until dash
so i need to get APAMS-234G when i have APAMS-
so how to do that by dynamic way

something simple like that do the trick :slight_smile:
create table #searchdata
Id int,
AffectedProduct nvarchar(50)
insert into #searchdata(Id,AffectedProduct)

create table #PartsData
PartId int,
PartNumber nvarchar(50)
insert into #PartsData(PartId,PartNumber)

select * into #result from #PartsData where 1=2

declare curs cursor for select AffectedProduct from #searchdata
declare @searched varchar(30)
declare @cmd varchar(4000)
open curs
fetch next from curs into @searched
while (@@fetch_status = 0)
set @cmd = 'INSERT INTO #result select * from #PartsData where PartNumber like '''+replace(@searched,'*','%')+''''
--print @cmd
exec (@cmd)
fetch next from curs into @searched
close curs
deallocate curs

select * from #result

best regards

No. Don't do that. You simply don't need a cursor for any of this.

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Like this if only one filter as you've asked for...

   FROM #PartsData
  WHERE PartNumber LIKE 'APAMS-%'

Again, though, it would be much more effective to split the part number column into its 3 component parts.

Shifting gears, please read the following so you know how to use LIKE and its various capabilities.

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agree for cursor usage. But this is good for understanding.
Until now, th ejoin went with two table scans.
This is a part of the solution

The reason why the join went to two table scans is because ALL of the data in both tables is used and a single scan of each table is the most efficient in such cases. If a cursor is used and there are indexes in place, it will always do index seeks but in a very RBAR fashion and the cost of that will far exceed the two scans.

As for it being good for understanding, I have to agree but only insofar as it being a really good demonstration of why you shouldn't use a cursor, especially for something so simply done in a non-RBAR fashion. The problem I'm having with your post on that is that you didn't say that an someone looking for a solution might actually end up using your cursor for something much larger.

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