I need to find if ShippedOrders column contains an order from SalesOrder column.
For Example: SalesOrder is equal to AB345
ShippedOrders is equal to AB345 AB344 AB367
If SalesOrder AB345 is found in ShippedOrders column I would make Expr1 equal to SalesOrder.
this is what I am trying to do but I am getting an error message
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(companyB.dbo.SorMaster.SalesOrder , dbo.ats_shipment_tracking.SalesOrders) > 0 THEN companyB.dbo.SorMaster.SalesOrder ELSE NULL END
What's the error?
I do see that you have a four part name for the first parameter of CHARINDEX. Is that intentional?
Can you supply the table definition and your current query?
I tried to recreate your problem, but I'm not sure if this is what you want. Try the example below using the name of your tables
create table #SaleOrders
SalesOrder varchar(10)
create table #shipperO
shipperOrder varchar(10)
insert into #saleOrders
insert into #shipperO
WITH Filter
SELECT s.salesorder AS expr
FROM #SaleOrders AS s
WHERE exists (SELECT * FROM #shipperO AS p WHERE s.SalesOrder=p.shipperOrder)
SELECT t.salesOrder, f.expr FROM #SaleOrders AS t
left join filter AS f ON t.SalesOrder=f.expr