How to pull only scientific notation values from table

I have invalid values of scientific notation in my table. How can I pull only those so that I can later update the column?

The column (Fedex_ID) attributes are varchar(23) NULL.

Example of invalid data: 7.95059E+11 or 8.05242E+11

please post your table definition (CREATE TABLE statement), samples of the invalid data

Why are they invalid? Are all values with scientific notation invalid? Do you want them converted to numeric? Are these imported from Excel?

I would extract the scientific notation values with like operator..

Declare @Fedx table
(FedxID varchar(23))

insert into @Fedx
select '7.95059E+11'
select '8.05242E+11'

select FedxID from @Fedx where FedxID like '%E+%'

OK -- but what do you mean by "later update the column"

Don't think this will work since I don't know up front what the exact scientific notation values will be...All I know is that there are some in the table.

As to questions:
(a) Why are they invalid? -- because they are not valid fedex tracking #s.
(b) Are all values with scientific notation invalid? -- yes
(c) Do you want them converted to numeric? -- no ...even when converted, they appear to be invalid
(d) Are these imported from Excel? -- they are imported via SSIS into a SQL table via a csv file

The problem happens when the CSV is created. Probably it is created by Excel and the column is General format in Excel. Change it to Text before exporting to csv

My question still is: How can I pull only those that have the scientific notation from my table. There are approx 10k records to review. Using WHERE FEDEX_ID LIKE '%E+%' does not work.


What I meant by "later update the column".... I need to first identify those having the invalid scientific notation rows, then perform an UPDATE with the correct fedex_id tracking number once I obtain those.

Might this do any good?

WHERE Fedex_ID LIKE '[0-9].[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]E+[0-9]%'

or if the numeric bit is variable length then

WHERE Fedex_ID LIKE '[0-9].[0-9]%[0-9]E+[0-9]%'

Thank you for your suggestion... However, I have approx 6k rows with scientific notation and it only picks up 190 using your statement.

It is not picking up some of them such as:


Even when I use: Fedex_id like '6.%' it doesn't pick up the above value.

Leading space perhaps?

Would it perhaps be enough to check for

Fedex_id like '%E%'

I've tried different variations... I'm stumped!

--and fedex_id like '%E%' -- not picking up all of them
--and fedex_id like '%.%' -- not picking up all of them
--and fedex_id like '%+%' -- not picking up all of them
--and Fedex_id like '%E+%' -- not picking up all of them

If it were me, I'd talk to whomever is supplying the CSV and get them to fix it

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Yes i agree with @gbritton and check with provider of CSV file data to fix..

But another option i will look for the records with not isnumeric records or