How to pull last category if multiple ones are present in a current year?

Hi, i have a list of million customers. each customers might have multiple encounters and each customer might have multiple categories in a given year. see below:


I want to be able to pull unique customers and their last encounter based on the date and pull last category the customer had that is associated with that last date. so for the example above i want to pull

R123 1236 3/14/2017 C


please provide data as the following DDL and DML

create table #miguel(customer varchar(50), encounter int, date date, category char(1))
insert into #miguel
select 'R123', 1234, '2017--3-12', 'A' union

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try this:
select customer, date, category, max(encounter)
from your table
order by date desc

Something like this perhaps:

select top(1) with ties
  from yourtable
 order by row_number() over(partition by customer
                                order by [date] desc

doesn't the Top N pull my top customers only? I will be missing customers this way, correct?
what does the partition at the end of your statement do?

Yes! But using "top(1) with ties" will give you all records with row number 1.

The "row_number" function will assign each row with a number starting from 1 and counting upwards. The "partition" part will start over from 1 every time "partition by field" changes (in this case, the customer field). And it will sort by the date field in descending order.
This will give you:

customer  encounter  date       category  rownumber
R123      1234       3/12/2017  A         3
R123      1235       7/15/2017  B         1
R123      1236       3/14/2017  C         2

and with the "top(1) with ties" in effect, it should give you only row number 1:

customer  encounter  date       category  rownumber
R123      1235       7/15/2017  B         1

as this is the newest date for this customer.

I hope this makes sense.

thanks! what about if i have 2018 data

so in this case i want to pull their last category in 2017 and last category in 2018 as well. so what I am trying to do is to pull all my customers each year, pull their last encounter and their last category of the year.

so if they are new in 2018, i want to pull their last encounter along their last category in 2018 and if they don't come back in 2018, i still want to pull their last encounter in 2017 and category.if they only have one encounter each year, i still want to pull it as well

Try this:

select top(1) with ties
  from yourtable
 order by row_number() over(partition by customer
                                order by [date] desc



SELECT TOP (1) WITH TIES customer ID, Year, category, date
Date ON encounters_Date_Key = Date.Date_Key LEFT OUTER JOIN
category ON Encounter.category_Key = category_Key RIGHT OUTER JOIN
order by row_number() over(partition by customer iD order by Date desc)
WHERE Year IN (2017, 2018))

It says there is an issue near the where statement.

any help is appreciated

Your where statement should come before the order by statement.

Also your where statement should probably be like this (for effeciency):

 where [date]>=cast('2017-01-01' as date)
   and [date]<cast('2019-01-01' as date)
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great, one last question, what about if i want to pull each customer and last their last encounter in each year. so if my customers only had encounters in 2017 , i want to pull their last encounter in that year but if they have multiple encounters in 2017 and 2018, i want to pull their last encounter in 2017 and their last encounter in 2018 along with the category on each encounter.

so for the example above, for my customer R123, i want to pull his last encounter in 2017 and last encounter in 2018. i like my results to look like this:


Try this:

select top(1) with ties
      ,datepart(year,[date]) as [year]
  from yourtable
 where [date]>=cast('2017-01-01' as date)
   and [date]<cast('2019-01-01' as date)
 order by row_number() over(partition by customer
                                order by [date] desc
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This is work great. Thanks!

hi mike

I know this topic was from 7 months ago

I tried to do it
Please take a look
thanks :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

drop create data
use tempdb 

drop table data

create table data 
customer varchar(100),
encounter int ,
datein date,
category varchar(1) )

insert into data select 'R123',1234,'3/12/2017','A'
insert into data select 'R123',1235,'7/15/2017','B'
insert into data select 'R123',1236,'3/14/2017','C'
insert into data select 'R123',1237,'3/14/2018','D'
insert into data select 'R123',1238,'4/14/2018','E'

SELECT b.customer, 
FROM   data b 
       JOIN (SELECT customer, 
                    Max(encounter) AS maxencounter, 
                    Year(datein)   AS groupyear 
             FROM   data 
             GROUP  BY customer, 
                       Year(datein)) a 
         ON a.maxencounter = b.encounter 
            AND a.customer = b.customer


DROP TABLE customers
create table customers
Customer varchar(10),
encounter bigint,
DDaate VARCHAR(50),
Category varchar(10),
Year int

insert into customers values('R123',1234,'3/12/2017','A',2017)
insert into customers values('R123',1235,'7/15/2017','B',2017)
insert into customers values('R123',1236,'3/14/2017','C',2017)
insert into customers values('R123',1237,'3/14/2018','D',2018)
insert into customers values('R123',1234,'4/14/2018','E',2018)

select * from(
SELECT *,row_number() over(partition by Year order by DDaate desc) as rnk FROM customers
) a
where rnk=1