How to log send new or modified records (for FTP purposes)

I have to implement - in SQL Server 2014 - something that send some records via FTP and take
care when they are already sent, are new at all, or have some modifications.
For example, I have a Quotation table like this:

IdQuotation - Premium - Tax - InsDate - UpdDate

where InsDate is the date of the record insertion, and UpdDate is a date update when I
modify a Quotation already present.

I have already a stored that, with a SELECT from this table, populate a .txt file to send externally (it executed one time a day).

Now my problem is:

how can I implement a logic the send a record (IdQuotation) only when this record is completely new
or is old but has some modifications in the last day?

Has anyone idea how to make this?

Thanks a lot.
