How to improve query performance on a single table with 12M records

My table has12 m records, the query runs over 4 hours if I use partition and window function for 3 fields. This is in SQL server 2008 R2. I also need to calculate the variance % of same period last year. Hence I used CTE in combination with row_number()window function to do this. This took nearly 17 hours to run. My colleagues suggested to use indexes but this is a standalone table, I am not using any joins or any unique foreign keys.

Any help would be greatly appreciated?

Thank you


This could give you at hint, if your query would benefit from an index

show us table structure and the where clause used

Thank your for getting back to me.

USE ccg_centrallondon

,[CoreHRG]+'-'+[HRG_Name] as HRGName
,[GPPracticeCode]+'-'+[GPPracticeName] as PracticeName
,[ProvCode]+'-'+[ProvName] as Provider
,[CCG_Code]+'-'+[CCG_Name] as CCG
,[PrimaryProcedureCode]+'-'+[PrimaryProcedureDescription] as PrimaryProcedure
,[TreatmentFunctionCode]+'-'+[TFCDescription] as Specialty
--,COUNT(CASE WHEN [AttendedOrDidNotAttend]='ATTENDED' and YEAR(AppointmentDate)=DATEADD(YEAR, -1, AppointmentDate) Then 1 Else 0 End)as PreviousYear
--,DENSE_RANK() OVER (Partition by [TreatmentFunctionCode]+'-'+[TFCDescription] ORDER BY COUNT([RowID]) desc) as SpecialtyRank
--,DENSE_RANK() OVER (Partition by [ProvCode]+'-'+[ProvName] ORDER BY COUNT([RowID]) desc) as ProviderRank
--,DENSE_RANK() OVER (Partition by [PrimaryProcedureCode]+'-'+[PrimaryProcedureDescription] ORDER BY COUNT([RowID]) desc) as ProcedureRank
--,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Partition by [GPPracticeCode] ORDER BY COUNT([RowID]) desc) as PracticeRank
,ROW_NUMBER() over( order by [zFinancialYear]) as row_num
,SUM([First]) as [First Attendances]
,SUM([Follow Up]) as [Follow Up Attendances]
,SUM([OP Procedures]) as [OP Procedures]
,COUNT([RowID]) as Activity
,COUNT( DISTINCT [zNHSNumberPseudo]) as Patients
,SUM([PbRFinalTariff]) as Costs
INTO [ccg_centrallondon].[dbo].[OP_DD]
FROM [ccg_centrallondon].[dbo].[OP]
GROUP BY [AttendedOrDidNotAttend]

what is the answer you would like to get from this one giant table?

Thank you Yosiasz. i would like to get the Top 10 Specialties, Providers, Practices, Primary Procedures on First Attendances, Follow Up Attendances, OP Procedures, Activity,Patients and Costs along with their % comparison of previous year performance or Same Period Year To Date Comparison.

  1. but your group by tells me a different story? Do you really need all of these columns?
  2. Define top 10
GROUP BY [AttendedOrDidNotAttend]

The other group by fields are your filters.

Thank you


filter go in the WHERE clause, not sure I understand.
What are the columns you would like to see at the end of the query. Right now you query is grouped with so much stuff that you might not need

I take this data and filter it in excel using pivot tables. I import the output into excel powerpivot data model.

thank you


hi siva

i know this topic was 9 months ago

but this link might help


Hope it helps

Here are the quick tips to improve query performance in SQL Server Database: