How to get the maximum Date

I have a date with multiple values and I want the latest date ex : if it is 3/2/2018 and 4/5/2018
I just want 4/5/2018
I am using this statement but not successful, so how do we get it to work

Select MAX(dateHistory) AS UpdateDate, rowID as UserID, value AS OldValue FROM [cox].[caV2Utility].[fieldHistory]
where idHistory in (SELECT id FROM [coxs].[caV2Utility].[history]
WHERE idHistoryObject = 141 And rowID in ('1529111')
And description = 'House1819')
GROUP By rowID, dateHistory

Getting this error
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Column 'cox.caV2Utility.fieldHistory.value' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

SELECT dateHistory AS UpdateDate, rowID as UserID, value AS OldValue
Select *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY dateHistory DESC) AS row_num
FROM [cox].[caV2Utility].[fieldHistory]
where idHistory in (SELECT id FROM [coxs].[caV2Utility].[history]
WHERE idHistoryObject = 141 And rowID in ('1529111')
And description = 'House1819')
) AS query1
WHERE row_num = 1

Thank you but this again returns 2 values, I need only one value which is the latest value for that particular User

Never mind, it was my mistake and now it works

Thank you so much