How to get rows that have specific sourctype only when group by two columns?

I work on sql server 2014 i need to get rows that have source type 484456

when group by two columns group by GivenPartNumber_Non and vcompanyid

so i need to make select query display every group of rows by GivenPartNumber_Non and

vcompanyid have source type 484456 only may be this group one row or 2rows or 3 rows or

more etc any way i need to retrieve it .

sample data

create table #notmappedsources
GivenPartNumber_Non varchar(200),
vcompanyid  int,
SourceType int
insert into #notmappedsources(GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid,SourceType)









expected result

GivenPartNumber_Non vcompanyid SourceType
ADFGH22 1233 484456
ADFGH22 1233 484456
ADFGH22 1233 484456
XFDY990 5489 484456
XFDY990 5489 484456
GX84322 2549 484456

what i try is :slight_smile:

select GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid from #notmappedsources
where SourceType=484456
group by GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid

someone already answered it here for you

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