###A statement like this in a stored procedure cost a lot of time to exe it.
###I use profiler to track it and I find that the 'reads' time in the profiler seems too high.
Below is the statement
UPDATE GameScoreInfo SET Score=Score+@VariationScore, InsureScore=InsureScore+@VariationInsure, Revenue=Revenue+@InsureRevenue
WHERE UserID=@dwUserID
###The info for this statement track in marked by gray color, obviously it's too high
###And for make a constraction to find the reason of the problem easier, I copy the DataBase to my local machine.And I find the 'reads' time is about 170 seems normal. So may the question lies in the different hardware or high concurrency
The question for me now it's that I don't know how to find the reason for this 'high reads time' problem. What should I do to find it? Some methods or tools? I search on the web haven't find sth useful.
Looking forward to you reply