How to find maximum concurrent users and sessions by Login and Logout Time?

I am trying to figure out the solution using co-related sub-query but somehow getting stuck with 'odd-dates' instead of # of max(concurrent users) and sessions for particular applications. Any help would be really appreciable.

Below is the reference query and output snapshot:-

SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, LoginTime, LogoutTime
FROM ( SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, AuditDate as LoginTime, Change, isnull(LEAD(AuditDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ExtensionID ORDER BY AuditDate), GETDATE()) as LogoutTime
FROM (SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, AuditDate, case when AssignedEmployeeID is not null then 1 when AssignedEmployeeID is null then -1 else 0 end as change
from Focus.Mallaka.TollExtensions as ext with (nolock)
WHERE AuditDate between DATEADD(Day,-7,GETDATE()) and GETDATE()
) as subQ
) as LeadSubQuery
WHERE Change = 1
order by ExtensionID, LoginTime;


Please do NOT use with(nolock) if you care about getting correct results! See discussion in other threads - just search for "nolock".

Don't know if I understand exactly what you want, but try this:

select a.extensionid
  from focus.mallaka.tollextensions as a
       inner join focus.mallaka.tollextensions as b
               on b.extensionid=a.extensionid
              and b.clientcode=a.clientcode
              and b.logintime<=a.logouttime
              and b.logouttime>=a.logintime
              and b.logintime!=a.logintime
              and b.logouttime!=a.logouttime

Hi bitsmed, Thank you for your response.

Objective of the problem statement: I do want to track the utilization of application associated as 'ClientCode' in the query.

  • Maximum number of concurrent users by given Login & Logout Time.


Does the query I showed, display the rows that qualify your rules of "concurrent users"?

It's appreciable that you took time for this.

Actually, the LogonTime and Logout Time columns are temporary derived columns as result-set.

I do want to append reference code into the main query. Please, see if this makes a sense to solve it. Below are the details:-

Reference Code:

select system, cast(logintime as date) as thedate,
max(coalesce(cumeins, 0) - coalesce(cumeouts, 0)) as concurrent
from (select l.logintime,
(select count()
from logins l2
where l2.system = l.system and l2.logintime <= l.logintime
) as cumeins,
(select count(
from logins l2
where l2.system = l.system and l2.logouttime <= l.logintime
) as cumeouts
from logins l
) l
group by system, cast(logintime as date);

Main Query:-

SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, LoginTime, LogoutTime
FROM ( SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, AuditDate as LoginTime, Change, isnull(LEAD(AuditDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ExtensionID ORDER BY AuditDate), GETDATE()) as LogoutTime
FROM (SELECT ExtensionID, ClientCode, AuditDate, case when AssignedEmployeeID is not null then 1 when AssignedEmployeeID is null then -1 else 0 end as change
from Focus.Mallaka.TollExtensions as ext with (nolock)
WHERE AuditDate between DATEADD(Day,-7,GETDATE()) and GETDATE()
) as subQ
) as LeadSubQuery
WHERE Change = 1
order by ExtensionID, LoginTime;


hi deepak

I know this topic is long time ago

i was looking at it now

I tried to solve it

Please take a look at it and let me know

I have not put any NULLS in data
If this looks ok then I can try putting NULLS

drop create data
use tempdb 

drop table logins 

create table logins 
logintime datetime null,
logouttime datetime null,
system int null

insert into logins select '2018-07-09 10:10:11.433','2018-07-09 10:30:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-09 10:10:11.433','2018-07-09 10:45:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-09 12:10:11.433','2018-07-09 13:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-09 09:10:11.433','2018-07-09 15:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-10 18:10:11.433','2018-07-10 20:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-10 11:10:11.433','2018-07-10 15:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-10 20:10:11.433','2018-07-10 23:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-11 10:10:11.433','2018-07-11 14:10:11.433',12
insert into logins select '2018-07-11 17:10:11.433','2018-07-11 21:10:11.433',12
SELECT a.system, 
       ( b.logincount - a.logoutcount ) AS maxconcurrentusers 
FROM   (SELECT a.system, 
               Count(b.logouttime) AS logoutcount 
        FROM   (SELECT system, 
                FROM   logins) a 
               JOIN (SELECT system, 
                     FROM   logins) b 
                 ON b.logouttime <= a.logintime 
                    AND a.system = b.system 
        GROUP  BY a.system, 
                  a.logintime) a 
       JOIN (SELECT a.system, 
                    Count(c.logintime) logincount 
             FROM   (SELECT system, 
                     FROM   logins) a 
                    JOIN (SELECT system, 
                          FROM   logins) c 
                      ON c.logintime <= a.logintime 
                         AND a.system = c.system 
             GROUP  BY a.system, 
                       a.logintime) b 
         ON a.system = b.system 
            AND a.logintime = b.logintime
