How to check the License in installed sql

I have installed the SQL Server 2008 but not sure whether I installed the licensed version or not. Now how to check the License & license key in the server. Please guide me.

Try this:select PARSENAME(cast(serverproperty(N'ProductVersion') as sysname), 4) Major, PARSENAME(cast(serverproperty(N'ProductVersion') as sysname), 3) Minor, PARSENAME(cast(serverproperty(N'ProductVersion') as sysname), 2) Build, serverproperty(N'ProductLevel') ProductLevel, serverproperty(N'Edition') Edition, serverproperty(N'LicenseType') LicenseType

You can follow this sample query. To know the server property and license type.



If you need to check your license key run the following code in powershell:

1st - Create the function:

PS C:\Documents and Settings\admin> function GetSqlServerProductKey {
## function to retrieve the license key of a SQL 2008 Server.
param ($targets = ".")
$hklm = 2147483650
$regPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Setup"
$regValue1 = "DigitalProductId"
$regValue2 = "PatchLevel"
$regValue3 = "Edition"
Foreach ($target in $targets) {
$productKey = $null
$win32os = $null
$wmi = [WMIClass]"\$target\root\default:stdRegProv"
$data = $wmi.GetBinaryValue($hklm,$regPath,$regValue1)
[string]$SQLver = $wmi.GetstringValue($hklm,$regPath,$regValue2).svalue
[string]$SQLedition = $wmi.GetstringValue($hklm,$regPath,$regValue3).svalue
$binArray = ($data.uValue)[52..66]
$charsArray = "B","C","D","F","G","H","J","K","M","P","Q","R","T","V","W","X","Y","2","3","4","6","7","8","9"
## decrypt base24 encoded binary data
For ($i = 24; $i -ge 0; $i--) {
$k = 0
For ($j = 14; $j -ge 0; $j--) {
$k = $k * 256 -bxor $binArray[$j]
$binArray[$j] = [math]::truncate($k / 24)
$k = $k % 24
$productKey = $charsArray[$k] + $productKey
If (($i % 5 -eq 0) -and ($i -ne 0)) {
$productKey = "-" + $productKey
$win32os = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -computer $target
$obj = New-Object Object
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty Computer -value $target
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty OSCaption -value $win32os.Caption
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty OSArch -value $win32os.OSArchitecture
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty SQLver -value $SQLver
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty SQLedition -value $SQLedition
$obj | Add-Member Noteproperty ProductKey -value $productkey

2nd - Run the function:

PS C:\Documents and Settings\admin> GetSqlServerProductKey

Computer : .
OSCaption : Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
OSArch :
SQLver : 10.4.6241.0
SQLedition : Enterprise Edition

For more info you can visit


Omar L.